originally posted in:Art and Stuff
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Image not the focus, check the links below.
Basically, I'm at this point now where I feel like I'm not improving much at all, if at all.
I'd like some recommendations on what I need to work on, where and how to improve, whether it's to do with my skills or even if you just don't like a certain bit about a design, I'd love to hear any feedback. You can find my work below:
[[url=http://31.media.tumblr.com/d3cb03dce63150dc1a2867c216d281ed/tumblr_n1ddy2zyA41ttdtqgo1_1280.jpg]Overall Art Progress[/url]]
*Sneaky update of OP Image*
You have definitely improved over the course of two years. My suggestion would be to work your sketches a bit more before moving on to coloring or blocking out shapes. If the sketch has an error in proportion or balance it can throw off the entire piece if you commit to it. It's always harder to get yourself to chop up a piece to try and fix something like that when you've put down lots of detail than it is when it's still a sketch. You might want to vary your brushes a bit more to get softer effects and to add a variety of texture. Right now your pieces have an action figure quality as if they were plastic and small with not a lot of detail. There's plenty of detail, except its so evenly distributed that nothing pulls focus or makes the eye move over the character. Youtube is a great resource for this because you not only get to see the work being done but you also get the commentary from the artist. I can't tell you how many times I've gone back to things I've watched before to just re-establish some very basic things that I just derped on and forgot about.