originally posted in:Art and Stuff
Image not the focus, check the links below.
Basically, I'm at this point now where I feel like I'm not improving much at all, if at all.
I'd like some recommendations on what I need to work on, where and how to improve, whether it's to do with my skills or even if you just don't like a certain bit about a design, I'd love to hear any feedback. You can find my work below:
[[url=http://31.media.tumblr.com/d3cb03dce63150dc1a2867c216d281ed/tumblr_n1ddy2zyA41ttdtqgo1_1280.jpg]Overall Art Progress[/url]]
*Sneaky update of OP Image*
Edited by MastaSin: 3/4/2014 7:37:33 AMI've gotta say, that's pretty nice metal bouncing lighting effect. I made my very first time background, I usually suck at it, but I've got recently good comments about this one in one of my latest animations.
Edited by ooo2412: 3/4/2014 7:34:30 AMWatcha using to make this?
You can't grade art
Edited by Plain Ben: 3/8/2014 6:48:33 AMMay as well formally update, with this study of a crossbowman, mainly focusing on the metals. I've read through every comment, and re-read them several times. I tried to keep a sense of depth, render different materials (as opposed to it all looking plasticy), kept the majority of detail and the focal point, and less around the edges. Probably needs a bit more work on the legs...
I misread the topic as "throw a cintiq at me" and I was like "Man that is an expensive-ass thing to throw at someone." but then I re-read it, and I can see that your art is good, but I think you should work on better posing, and refine the form a bit. Otherwise, aces. Especially on the color palate.
Edited by Remo: 2/25/2014 8:28:53 AMI see good improvement with human anatomy and proportions, but I suggest perfecting the preliminary blocking and form of the person before going into detail. I do timed observational sketches as practice to help encourage me to get the proper stance down first. I also noticed, but struggle to put into words, is that some images seem to lack... Depth. I'm no quite sure what it is, but some concepts somehow it seem flat. Your lighting is fine, so is color: cloth work, overlapping as well; I can't quite put my finger on the cause of it. Excellent work
Do some life drawing studies, and try different painting styles with traditional mediums. When you focus on a singular style and method, you will hone it but never change. You need to step out of your comfort zone to progress at that point. All very good work though.
The helmets look a little bit big compared to the rest of their body and armor, the leg armor looks a tiny bit off on sizing, the torsos are a bit flat and square looking, and you need to work on your ankles. That being said, this is some kickass looking stuff and is a million times better than what I can do.
It looks to me like you've got a pretty solid foundation, all you need now is practice. Even if you don't focus on any one thing, the repetition will lead to improvement. I like to think of it like evolution, where tiny imperceptible alterations from piece to piece lead to a superior technique. And anyway, at your skill level, I don't think you need to worry about improving too quickly, you've got some great skills right now.
You're still alive?
Not sure what to tell you to improve upon overall. Some of the pieces are a little off, but good stuff as always, Ben.
As far as technique goes, your level of control and detail is impressive. The only thing I would say could need work is your compositional skills, which at least in the ones you showed, aren't really there.
The angles of the legs are off as well as the head/shoulder angle on the one on the right. Question, are they supposed to look like they're 11 year old girls wearing costumes?
Edited by Zizzy: 2/22/2014 9:12:27 PMI'm not into art or anything, but damn I haven't seen you post in forever. And the art is very nice :)
You have definitely improved over the course of two years. My suggestion would be to work your sketches a bit more before moving on to coloring or blocking out shapes. If the sketch has an error in proportion or balance it can throw off the entire piece if you commit to it. It's always harder to get yourself to chop up a piece to try and fix something like that when you've put down lots of detail than it is when it's still a sketch. You might want to vary your brushes a bit more to get softer effects and to add a variety of texture. Right now your pieces have an action figure quality as if they were plastic and small with not a lot of detail. There's plenty of detail, except its so evenly distributed that nothing pulls focus or makes the eye move over the character. Youtube is a great resource for this because you not only get to see the work being done but you also get the commentary from the artist. I can't tell you how many times I've gone back to things I've watched before to just re-establish some very basic things that I just derped on and forgot about.
Edited by Jaaake AU: 2/22/2014 7:01:16 AMI only do photography at university, so I'm not much help when it comes to meaningful critique of stuff like this. However, [url=http://plainben.tumblr.com/post/77355490402/unfinished-wip-of-a-jet-biker-cyberpunk-and-scene]this one here[/url] is a bit odd. The chest proportions in contrast to the rest of the body seems a little off. Other than that, the rest is pretty solid. You definitely have talent, so keep up the good work!
Really good. What programs do you use?
Amazing work, I love the detail. What program do you use?
On this drawing, the proportions look good, maybe a little off on the right, but not bad at all. It helps to sometimes use yourself as a reference if you're not sure on something. As for your lighting and shading, I like it. All these concepts you are drawing are awesome, and I'm admittedly kinda jealous. One recurring theme I'm seeing though, is that all of them are just standing there, as if they are just on display. My advice is to go further, draw them doing something! Epic backgrounds and cool moves can help show off the character even more.
The anatomy is good, but your shading could use a lot of work.
I can't draw at all, so when people show me stuff like this it blows my mind.
All the characters look/feel oddly proportioned
Saw you on deviantART, have to admit that your work is pretty good.
Edited by Hylebos: 2/21/2014 11:49:00 PMThe one on the left is a little weird. The proportions feel off, and his legs are way too inorganic. The one on the right looks better, but when you look closer the lines just don't flow... I liked the faded hoody cape thing on the right though.