Ian is either really pissed right now, or extremely horny.
Edited by Recon Number 54: 1/25/2014 10:47:46 PMIf I had a nickel for every time that Rei Ayanami has been defiled on the Internet? I could buy Japan. And have money left over.
At the very least this video is better than Eva 3.0. It made more sense.
Edited by Leeroy Jenkins: 1/26/2014 4:05:45 AMhttp://whatinthehellguys.com Edit: It made linky, me happy
*sees video title*
Dear god my eyes my ears oh my brain.
I'd rather torture myself willingly than watch that.
Edited by A Metroid: 1/25/2014 7:39:39 AMThis is great, Rei isn't that great anyway, Asuka is far superior. [spoiler]hue[/spoiler]
So much autism.
What the fuck
Holy shit get a load of the anime fans in this thread.
*Cringe intensifies*
*reads YT vid title* *leaves*
Edited by Stark444: 1/25/2014 5:36:15 PMThere are several things in this thread that I [u][b]REALLY DON'T LIKE[/b][/u].
Edited by Dick VanDick: 1/25/2014 5:52:49 PMLOL!!! I love it!!! Derp eyes are pretty damn funny too me! But then I think about this... And I feel a little down. My happiness was most likely a heat of the moment thing.
Edited by Byrne: 1/25/2014 5:42:10 PMIan's a pretty cool guy. But I can't deny I love it when he goes full Verbatim over this stuff. That video was a little less cringe-worthy when I realised the guy knew the words. (Presumably)
Edited by PandaJerk007: 1/25/2014 7:56:09 AMIt looks like that guy's doing some sort of motion capture stuff to animate some of what Rei does... How do people make this kinda stuff?!?[spoiler](which programs and etc. is needed, I wonder)[/spoiler]