So I've been a registered user since May, and I'm not an alt. I'm trying to scientifically determine how long it takes to become relevant in a forum without being a gimmick character or troll.
So, flood, am I relevant yet?
Edit: ITT people who think I want to be relevant, and offer advice. I don't care if I'm relevant or not you dementia patients. People who think I'm an alt, lel.
I was born in the destitard forum, moulded by it, you've merely trolled in it. I didn't see #offtopic until I was already a 3 month old member!
Edit #2: and if you're mad about "attention whoring" or what not, this is my most successful thread ever so clearly shitposting egotistical and attention whore type threads get the most attention, so you're all at fault.
[quote]You're an alt.[/quote]