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Edited by Gaara444: 1/5/2014 2:36:48 AM

"McDonald's is killing us!"

[url=]No, McDonald's isn't killing you, you're killing yourself you fat lardwhale.[/url] >Man eats nothing but McDonalds for 90 days >Loses 40 lbs >Lowers cholesterol >Achieves this by not being retarded about it and sticks to 2,000 calories a day, watches nutrient intake, and walks 45mins a day >"The point of this documentary is that its all about choices, its our choices that make us fat." "B-but Muh fat genes!" "M-Muh transfat bans!" "M-Muh Chemical paste nuggets!"

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  • I'm fat by choice. I like being warm in the winter. During the summer I shall shed my fatty core and find a mate that I will happily ditch after 48 hours to begin the cycle again.

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  • [quote]"He also started walking 45 minutes a day"[/quote]That right there pretty much undermines this entire experiment. If he was serious about how scientific the experiment should be, he would have done it properly and control for independent variables. Essentially, he should have been exercising [i]before[/i] changing his diet and obtain a healthy weight, cholesterol level, etc... At this point his bodily state (measurements) would have been taken. He would have then changed his diet to McDonald's only, as this is the dependent variable he should be interested in, and then when the experiment was complete, his state taken again, then compared with earlier. tl;dr This "science" teacher's results are fundamentally flawed. By not providing an appropriate control beforehand (especially in relation to his exercise regime), it is possible (and likely) his exercise contributed to whatever extent to his weight loss, cholesterol drop, etc...; not simply because he followed the McDonald's "healthy" diet.

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    2 Replies
    • Too bad McDonalds puts additives in their food to get people addicted.

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    • Nobody has been able to replicate "Supersize me"

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    • So what else is new einstein?

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    • And this is what (non-retarded) people have been saying for years. If you eat less calories than your body consumes, you will lose weight; it doesn't matter whether those calories come from McDonalds or from lettuce.

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    • Tell society something they don't know.

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    • This I knew. Go on Netflix and watch "Fathead"

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    • It is people's choices on whether or not they get fat, however there's a few things that makes it more pleasing: 1. Price: fast food is so much cheaper than preparing food and so much easier. 2. Time: many people don't have time to make their own food so they get fast food. 3. Amount: in this experiment, he ate only 2,000 calories a day. That really wouldn't be THAT hard to do with McDonald's food. A couple of burgers, some fries, and soda and you're at 2,000. However this doesn't fill you up at all which is why people eat more, the guy must've been damn near starving the whole time if that's what he ate. (I'm not saying, "oh eat as much as you can" I'm saying fast food is filled with phony ingredients that take a lot more to fill you up.) 4. Exercise: this experiment is pretty much nullified by the exercise thing. That plus eating only 2,000 calories a day, we burn calories all the time. And with this being trans-fats they were probably easier to burn, which would explain the weight loss and lowered cholesterol. Most people don't exercise because they don't have time to or they are lazy. Which is [i]their[/i] choice. Summary: basically what I'm saying is that there's a lot of biases in this experiment, enough for it to be nullified IMO. I'm not a scientist or anything but this automatically doesn't make McDonald's good or fat people 100% responsible for their problem. The fast food industry is an absolute disgusting industry and I have avoided at all costs eating at any. [spoiler]inb4Opisfat I weigh 145[/spoiler]

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    • This was done done years ago, a documentary called "Fat Head". It was sort of argument against Super Size Me. It also points out flaws about the Super Size Me experiment. Not quite as entertaining as Super Size Me tho. Link Related.

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    • Mcdonalds might as well be slow nerve gas

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    • Food companies should already try to limit destructive or otherwise dangerous ingredients from their menus, and customers should also be productive and try to exercise and stay healthy. It might be their choice to eat fattening foods, but fattening foods shouldn't be the one choice they have or see advertised.

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    • Well either way I don't remember the last time I ate mcdonalds ... I just like other foods more.

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    • Edited by The Great DanTej: 1/5/2014 2:50:52 AM
      [quote]"The point of this documentary is that its all about choices, its our choices that make us fat."[/quote]I should note that one of the reasons why fast food giants are often the target, is because strictly speaking they're a great choice, you get a lot of food for not a lot of money. Couple that with advertising and you have a situation where the only thing people chose to change about their lifestyle is eating more McDonalds. You can say "oh no it's just your choice",[i] but are you also going to defend the tobacco industry with the exact same argument?[/i] No, fast food giants are selling products that are known to harm the health of their customers, that needs to be changed. [spoiler]This is what happens when you let capitalism do whatever the -blam!- it likes, free market you say? more like early graves[/spoiler] [spoiler]Also I should note that "it's your choice that is killing you" is the exact argument used by food giants and even tobbacco giants to dismiss any and all criticism, THAT is what victim blaming is.[/spoiler] While I'm at it, "the men who made us fat" is a great documentary, watch it [i]Gaara[/i]

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      52 Replies
      • I know but it's just [I]so[/I] tasty!

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      • My problem with Mc Donald's isn't the calories. The problem is the chemicals, pesticides, GMOs, and "extra filler" that goes into the food you eat. It's bad for the environment and it's unhealthy for you. But McDonalds is far from the only food distributor committing that crime.

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        • fat head is also a viable documentary

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        • Totally agreed. I always knew Supersize Me was bullshit because eating anything repeatedly for however long he did it is going to make you ill. He's a -blam!-ing idiot.

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          • Why do people want to lose weight? Lose fat and gain muscle instead. Weight is such a broad term.

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          • I used to be sucked into that Morgan Spurlock movie Supersize Me, but apparently it is false and can not be duplicated, and based on what he claims he ate it's impossible he got that large from his claimed diet. Yes, you can eat unhealthy and still not be fat, you can also BE healthy and be fat.

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          • I think there was a Family Guy episode about this. Peter wins a lifetime supply of fast food and decides it'll be his entire diet, and then he gets fat and sues them.

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            2 Replies
            • Man I don't care about the fats in McDonalds. They're double cheeseburgers are delicious

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            • Dude would have gained more credibility by having a monitored control period before starting his experiment to get a baseline performance reading. Even without that, hes still right in that it's the choices we make that determines how we keep our bodies , and it doesn't rely soles on one aspect such as diet, although a poor diet is obviously worse than a healthier diet.

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            • [quote]walks 45mins a day[/quote] *starts walking 45 minutes a day. And out goes the scientific value of this "documentary"

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            • Eating less is far more effective than eating large amounts of "healthy" foods. But you should also bear in mind that health is not measured purely by the aforementioned items, weight and cholesterol loss is great, but the chemicals and hormones in cheap food are not so awesome...

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            • Hurr durrr version on how to lose weight. If you need to look up how to lose weight, go back to school. Eat less/healthier Exercise more Simple ehh? All those fad diets are stupid

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