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Edited by angry0lbgrampa: 12/30/2013 3:48:36 PM

Going to address this one final time.

[u][b]Gay marriage/Being Gay[/b] [/u] I as a christian white male do not believe homosexuality is a trait we are born with. I as a person who once lived the lifestyle know it to be a choice, and I know how the choice is made. It is very simple, it is like anything else, once you try it, and keep doing it it becomes a part of you and who you are. Now that you know my opinion, I will get to the point. I do not care if a gay couple wishes to get married. However, I care that they say they are born Gay as that makes it a civil rights issue equating that they suffer as black Americans did. This is ignorant and so far from the truth as no one openly beats, shoots, hangs, or jails Gays for no reason in America other than the few wacko events that have taken place, which are very rare. Now during the civil rights movement churches full of blacks were caught on fire, children were -blam!- and murdered, hundreds were beaten, and jailed without just cause. This in no way shape or form resembles the easy life Gays have. I am going to reiterate my previous statement. [b]Being homosexual is not a civil rights issue.[/b] [b]IT IS AN ISSUE OF PRIVACY!!![/b] Do I have your attention? We as Americans are guaranteed our personal privacy, therefore, no matter what anyone says, or believes, what we do, and who we marry is none of anyone's damn business. My issue I take with the homosexual community is that they flaunt around, and put it in your face that they are Gay and proud, well, how about showing some dignity and not marching nude in parades with individuals in smut costumes and things in there rectal cavity. Then maybe more people would support them! In closing being homosexual is a choice, it is not a genetic trait, it is not a mutation, it is as simple human choice to prefer the same sex. Marriage between said couples is no ones business as it is there privacy which is protected under the constitution. HOWEVER, it is my right to oppose there choice, to explain my beliefs and to say how I feel about it, as that is my [b]CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT AS AN AMERICAN! [/b] That is all.

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  • OP was a fgt.

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  • Haha, OP used to suck dick.

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  • So you took it in the butt?! What a fgt!

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  • Man, agreed on every point you made. I was walking outside once and I saw two dudes holding hands and I just had to puke. If they want to hold hands, they should hold hands where I can't see them. It's not like I hold hands with my wife or kiss her when I walk outside. Sickos. And, like, so what if gays can't get married in some states? How dare they have parades and protests about it. Protests aren't American, man. You just express yourself with brute force. That's why dudes beat up gays, they're just expressing themselves. Think about if all the people who have physically harmed gay people just did a parade instead. That'd solve nothing, man. Being gay is a choice, it's against the Bible, and I think gay rights are just that: gay. Who needs rights for people that are systematically abused for not being understood? That's my opinion, man. Keep up your good work.

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  • You don't look white in your photos.

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    3 Replies
    • Much wow.

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    • Edited by Icy Wind: 12/30/2013 4:04:35 PM
      I'll bite, because I'm bored. [quote]I as a person who once lived the lifestyle know it to be a choice, and I know how the choice is made.[/quote] Oh really? Care to explain and debunk the thousands of psychiatrists who would say this claim is pure bullshit? [quote] no one openly beats, shoots, hangs, or jails Gays for no reason in America other than the few wacko events that have taken place, which are very rare. [/quote] [url=]This says otherwise - only including those cases which actually stem from the victim being LGBT[/url] [quote] churches full of blacks were caught on fire[/quote] June 24, 1973 – The Upstairs Lounge in New Orleans, a gay bar, was burned by an arsonist, killing 32 people [quote]the easy life Gays have[/quote] Tell that to Justin Aaberg, Matthew Shepherd, Tyler Clementi, Jamey Rodemeyer. Just a few names. [quote]Being homosexual is not a civil rights issue.[/quote] From, the definition of "Civil Rights" [quote]rights to personal liberty established by the 13th and 14th Amendments to the U.S. constitution and certain Congressional acts, especially as applied to an individual or a minority group.[/quote] Considering most advances for LGBT groups, especially marriage, stems from the 14th amendment, it fits the actual definition. I don't know what the hell you're using. [quote]IT IS AN ISSUE OF PRIVACY!!![/quote] Oh this ought to be good. [quote]My issue I take with the homosexual community is that they flaunt around, and put it in your face that they are Gay and proud[/quote] So your issue is that you don't like that they display their happiness that they like the same sex, while you are a hypocritical bigot who could not come to terms with his own sexuality and be happy with it at well. I see. [quote]well, how about showing some dignity and not marching nude in parades with individuals in smut costumes and things in there rectal cavity. Then maybe more people would support them! [/quote] You've degraded to this argument? Really? If such events were happening, then the parades would not be going on in major cities. Of course, the events get rowdy (Especially at night in clubs), but no one is getting naked and having an orgy on Main Street. Get over yourself. [quote]In closing being homosexual is a choice, it is not a genetic trait, it is not a mutation, it is as simple human choice to prefer the same sex.[/quote] "In closing, I am right despite having no actual evidence to support myself minus my shitty life" [quote] Marriage between said couples is no ones business as it is there privacy which is protected under the constitution.[/quote] *their And since I get benefit (Or should be) from marrying someone, it is someones business. Especially in the 30 or so states that still have bans on same sex marriage. [quote]HOWEVER, it is my right to oppose there choice, to explain my beliefs and to say how I feel about it, as that is my CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT AS AN AMERICAN![/quote] It's also my right to call you an ignorant asshole who needs to read a book on Homosexuality that was published since the 1970's to educate yourself.

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      35 Replies
      • Clockman/10

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      • [quote]one final time[/quote] I'm quoting you on this. Thread saved Evidence locked Promises made

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        7 Replies
        • LolGod

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        • Acknowledged.

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        • I'm sure Jesus would be proud of the way you're acting like a 5 year-old.

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        • I'm a straight, white, Christian female, and I don't care if someone is homosexual. Only God has the right to judge. Jesus did not condone prejudice, he preached of compassion and understanding. Homosexuality is a sin, yes, but if you are against them, you are just being a hypocrite. For [i]everyone[/i] is a sinner and falls short of the glory of God. Oh, and take a psychology class. People cannot just "choose" to like a certain sex. That's bullshit.

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          8 Replies
          • Edited by BannedLemön: 12/30/2013 5:33:53 PM
            [quote]I as a person who once lived the lifestyle know it to be a choice, and I know how the choice is made.[/quote]So, you = every homosexual person ever? Yeah... No.

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          • Deep down you're still gay.

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          • Edited by asir: 12/31/2013 7:46:36 PM
            [quote]I as a person who once lived the lifestyle[/quote] lol. Silly troll.

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          • [quote][b]Being homosexual is not a civil rights issue.[/b] [b]IT IS AN ISSUE OF PRIVACY!!![/b] Do I have your attention? We as Americans are guaranteed our personal privacy[/quote] You realize that saying that privacy is a civil right, and that homosexuals deserve that right but that it's not a civil rights issue is an oxymoron, right?

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            2 Replies
            • I think OP needs to address this, in case he has the poster muted. [quote][quote][u]Posted by: [b]Icy Wind[/b][/u][/quote] I'll bite, because I'm bored. [quote]I as a person who once lived the lifestyle know it to be a choice, and I know how the choice is made.[/quote] Oh really? Care to explain and debunk the thousands of psychiatrists who would say this claim is pure bullshit? [quote] no one openly beats, shoots, hangs, or jails Gays for no reason in America other than the few wacko events that have taken place, which are very rare. [/quote] [url=]This says otherwise - only including those cases which actually stem from the victim being LGBT[/url] [quote] churches full of blacks were caught on fire[/quote] June 24, 1973 – The Upstairs Lounge in New Orleans, a gay bar, was burned by an arsonist, killing 32 people [quote]the easy life Gays have[/quote] Tell that to Justin Aaberg, Matthew Shepherd, Tyler Clementi, Jamey Rodemeyer. Just a few names. [quote]Being homosexual is not a civil rights issue.[/quote] From, the definition of "Civil Rights" [quote]rights to personal liberty established by the 13th and 14th Amendments to the U.S. constitution and certain Congressional acts, especially as applied to an individual or a minority group.[/quote] Considering most advances for LGBT groups, especially marriage, stems from the 14th amendment, it fits the actual definition. I don't know what the hell you're using. [quote]IT IS AN ISSUE OF PRIVACY!!![/quote] Oh this ought to be good. [quote]My issue I take with the homosexual community is that they flaunt around, and put it in your face that they are Gay and proud[/quote] So your issue is that you don't like that they display their happiness that they like the same sex, while you are a hypocritical bigot who could not come to terms with his own sexuality and be happy with it at well. I see. [quote]well, how about showing some dignity and not marching nude in parades with individuals in smut costumes and things in there rectal cavity. Then maybe more people would support them! [/quote] You've degraded to this argument? Really? If such events were happening, then the parades would not be going on in major cities. Of course, the events get rowdy (Especially at night in clubs), but no one is getting naked and having an orgy on Main Street. Get over yourself. [quote]In closing being homosexual is a choice, it is not a genetic trait, it is not a mutation, it is as simple human choice to prefer the same sex.[/quote] "In closing, I am right despite having no actual evidence to support myself minus my shitty life" [quote] Marriage between said couples is no ones business as it is there privacy which is protected under the constitution.[/quote] *their And since I get benefit (Or should be) from marrying someone, it is someones business. Especially in the 30 or so states that still have bans on same sex marriage. [quote]HOWEVER, it is my right to oppose there choice, to explain my beliefs and to say how I feel about it, as that is my CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT AS AN AMERICAN![/quote] It's also my right to call you an ignorant asshole who needs to read a book on Homosexuality that was published since the 1970's to educate yourself.[/quote]

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            • [i] [/i]

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            • all that needs to be said really oh, wait:[quote]HOWEVER, it is my right to oppose there choice, to explain my beliefs and to say how I feel about it, as that is my CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT AS AN AMERICAN![/quote]well -blam!- off and do it where those rights actually apply, because [u]that is not here[/u].

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            • What in the frick frack is actually wrong with you?

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              2 Replies
              • Sweeping generalisations and assumptions everywhere. *infinite facepalm*

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              • [quote] I as a person who once lived the lifestyle know it to be a choice[/quote] It's at this point I stopped reading and concluded you're a lunatic.

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              • Can you just do everyone a favor, and sell your computer?

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                11 Replies
                • I support you greatly in this. And the fact that your Christian and supports this amazes me( which is not wrong ). I use to believe in god, but then, a crazy Christian teacher, and reading the bible, I just lost faith. Though I still debate bout with my self if god is real or not

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                • Edited by Cultmeister: 12/30/2013 5:11:23 PM
                  [quote]Going to address this [u][b]one final time.[/b][/u][/quote]I'll believe it when i see it.

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