I think I'm growing out of gaming. (Or rather, getting bored of it.)
Perhaps it's just a bland patch in my beloved hobby, the inter-generational lull that I last time filled with fighting Tartarus over and over, but I seem to be getting increasingly bored with my games. I no longer have a regular friend group to play with, and indeed all the gang from back in the day between 7 and 3 years ago has either moved on to Steam and/or PSN and/or real life, so that's had a big impact on my enjoyment levels and activity in recent years.
I usually spam H4 multiplayer, and whilst that is damn good fun (now's not the time, haters), I can't do it forever. So I've been revisiting old friends from years ago, such as Peggle, Ms. 'Splosion Man and BioShock 2. Even then, the novelty or thrill soon wears off.
What am I doing instead? I'm not entirely sure. It's not like I'm being any more sociable than usual right now. I have been on Youtube and Netflix and such more. Christmas has been a big occupant (?) of my time lately. I've been having a blast on Black Mesa: Source, and have nearly completed it (maybe if my laptop didn't switch to 5fps during the final fight in the Lambda Core, I'd have made it by now), so there's that too.
Maybe it's happening, at long last. Maybe I'm growing up. The only announced game on the horizon that truly excites me at the moment is Destiny (we'll see how Obduction goes, especially in the collective wake of Myst V and Uru). Show me Half-Life 3 and that'll be up there too. It's just strange, that's all. I'm not sure I'm unhappy with it. But I'm not sure what to do about it either.
It's the same here for me amigo. I think it's partially due to me moving on into an elderly gamer, I analyze things more, am more clear cut about my tastes and know exactly what I'm looking for. And, as of late, there's been none of that whatsoever. My friends list used to be active years ago, and I had a regular group of people I said hello to every day, and we all played the same game together.
Over the years we broke off as new games came out that split us up, and eventually most of them disappeared. One went off to university, two became big-time druggies, one is missing because he got the One and me and all the others didn't, and one had a paradigm shift and up and sold his xbox on the spot. That currently leaves one of the older ones I've been around with for a few years, and one that I met a few months ago.
Of the friends list I used to have, maybe around 43, I removed a massive chunk of people because I knew in my heart they would never come back on again, and my list went down to 15 people. Of these 15 people, I talk and spend time with around 4 of them. As for the others, these are people that are still on, in decreasing time spans, that I stop buy to say hello once every blue moon, and that I can't bear to remove.
4 people. 4 god damn people.
And, with things so different now than they were just a few years ago, I can't throw myself into matchmaking, join a customs game with some dude I played with in a match and become friends and meet other people, because A) Everybody is in a god damn party, and B) As far as I can tell the old timers left, leaving us with the current entitlment generation.
I bought my games, and I bought them for the right reasons. These games can last me a long time. But in terms of social interactions, I'm god damn lonely. And there's not much I can do about it. I think gaming will always be in me, albeit varying degrees in my life as things change and become more a priority, it will always be there. I remember every friend I ever had on LIVE, and I remember everyone that passed on that I lost, the feeling of knowing that I won't likely ever hear from them.
It really does pain me to think, that after all this time, out of all those people, I'll be the last man standing.
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