I am unaware of Goatse so it must be worse. Meatspin is just weird porn.
Edited by Verbatim: 12/29/2013 7:18:56 PM"Worse" implies that either of them are all that bad. I guess a guy stretching his own asshole apart is a little less pleasant than gay sex featuring a whirling dickish.
I thought you were asking which weapon of destruction would win in a battle.
I wonder how the Goatse guy poops. Does it just fall out? Or does he have to stuff his butthole back into itself? I imagine once he lets go it gets all wrinkly like a thick rubber band and it kinda hangs there. I'd watch a documentary about his everyday life. These questions need answering.
What is goatse?
Edited by God: 12/29/2013 12:45:14 AMGoatse by far.
I know what meatspin is thanks to JOHN CENA, but what's Goatse? Can someone give me a quick summary
Edited by Cypher Alpha: 12/28/2013 2:15:30 PMHaven't watched either. I plan to keep it that way, no one's talking me into watching that shit.
I've seen some funny shoops of goatse, but not of meatspin.
Edited by asir: 12/29/2013 8:24:49 PMMeatspin was just funny, there's nothing really disturbing about it. Now Goatse, that's some serious body modification.
Someone should make goatspin.
Meatspin is intentionally really difficult to close. The window moves around so you can't manually close it and it bombards you with confirmation messages when you try to quit the browser.
Edited by Gatsby: 12/28/2013 12:29:06 AMJUST -blam!- OFF MENTALLY SCARRED NOW!!! Goatse is not the booty you want to see.
What is Goatsie?