Edited by asir: 12/25/2013 7:56:49 PMThis reminds me of a story... So I have some weird friends. One day (just after the Miley Cyrus VMA bonanza) my friend came up behind me and put her butt to the side of my head and started shaking. So I turn and I'm like "wtf are you having a butt seizure?" And she's like "it's called twerking!" Not knowing the evil I had wrought, I asked "what's that?" About 1 hour of dance lessons later, and I could finally twerk like Miley. The end.
Edited by randomelite: 12/26/2013 7:34:52 PMFor some girls it's their sole dream to be a stripper and they want all other girls to feel the joy of stripping for horny men so they invented twerking. Next up we examine the occasional "pants on the ground" kid that envies prison inmates being butt-plugged. Unfortunately I've seen or heard of 5yr old girls twerking because their older sister does it. It kind of kills me on the inside. And I HAVE seen the Miley Cyrus twerking video. I have lost all faith in humanity.
Wouldn't try.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFyVGs2OJZs&feature=youtube_gdata_player ^Relevant
I never tried. Hold on.
I do not affiliate myself with a move made from strippers.
*Tries to twerk Mah hip!
I can twist.
I haven't tried. I hope.
Am I the only one imagining Slendy twerking? Yes? Okay :(
I once helicopter dicked so hard I fell forward outside and started mowing grass.
Even if I am drunk, I will never twerk.
Can I or should I?
No butt my gf can.
Edited by Zavala's Pet Cat: 12/24/2013 10:52:36 PMWho the [b][i][u]HEII[/u][/i][/b] would wanna see that?
-blam!- you
Edited by Yeet: 12/24/2013 8:24:11 PMOnly for you baby.
You couldn't pay me to try.
Nope nope nope.
Haven't tried. Don't want to.
God I hope not.