Apparently the shooter, Karl Pierson, was a committed leftist, a Keynesian, and mocked free market principles on his FB page and around his classmates.
So I guess he wasn't an NRA member...
Ironically, he even mocks Republicans for apparently not doing enough on "gun violence."
Here's just one part of the article from the Denver Post:
[i]In one Facebook post, Pierson attacks the philosophies of economist Adam Smith, who through his invisible-hand theory pushed the notion that the free market was self-regulating. In another post, he describes himself as "Keynesian."
"I was wondering to all the neoclassicals and neoliberals, why isn't the market correcting itself?" he wrote. "If the invisible hand is so strong, shouldn't it be able to overpower regulations?"
Pierson also appears to mock Republicans on another Facebook post, writing "you republicans are so cute" and posting an image that reads: "The Republican Party: Health Care: Let 'em Die, Climate Change: Let 'em Die, [b]Gun Violence: Let 'em Die[/b], Women's Rights: Let 'em Die, More War: Let 'em Die. Is this really the side you want to be on?"[/i]
Edited by asir: 12/15/2013 1:00:42 AMUnless he was doing the shooting for the glory of the Democratic Party, this is irrelevant. Stop trying to politicize tragic events. It's blatantly disrespectful.