Apparently the shooter, Karl Pierson, was a committed leftist, a Keynesian, and mocked free market principles on his FB page and around his classmates.
So I guess he wasn't an NRA member...
Ironically, he even mocks Republicans for apparently not doing enough on "gun violence."
Here's just one part of the article from the Denver Post:
[i]In one Facebook post, Pierson attacks the philosophies of economist Adam Smith, who through his invisible-hand theory pushed the notion that the free market was self-regulating. In another post, he describes himself as "Keynesian."
"I was wondering to all the neoclassicals and neoliberals, why isn't the market correcting itself?" he wrote. "If the invisible hand is so strong, shouldn't it be able to overpower regulations?"
Pierson also appears to mock Republicans on another Facebook post, writing "you republicans are so cute" and posting an image that reads: "The Republican Party: Health Care: Let 'em Die, Climate Change: Let 'em Die, [b]Gun Violence: Let 'em Die[/b], Women's Rights: Let 'em Die, More War: Let 'em Die. Is this really the side you want to be on?"[/i]
Obama's 1000 years of liberal darkness commences...
Isn't weed legal there as well. Correlation?
Edited by asir: 12/15/2013 1:00:42 AMUnless he was doing the shooting for the glory of the Democratic Party, this is irrelevant. Stop trying to politicize tragic events. It's blatantly disrespectful.
Uhm...Who cares?
I blame Colorado. How many shootings have happened their?
Edited by cxkxr: 12/15/2013 5:48:27 AM[quote]In another post, he describes himself as "Keynesian."[/quote] Confirmed mentally unstable. Why don't liberals study economics?
Edited by Dick VanDick: 12/15/2013 5:42:29 AMTo all of the Liberals... Maybe they do it cuz' there parents actually do hate them...
Edited by Random: 12/15/2013 12:53:00 AMtoday I learned one data point equals a trend By the way, I thought we all agreed that the recent shooters (Giffords shooting, Newtown come to mind) have been mentally ill first and [political ideology] second. Of course liberals do not receive the same courtesy or benefit of the doubt, do they? The article makes it very obvious that he was bullied, and of course you didn't include that in your OP.
Ban liberals
[quote]The political views of shooters are irrelevant unless it has been established beyond a reasonable doubt that their actions were directly a result of their pollitical views.[/quote] from [url=!page=index&mid=199456]Funkbrotha10[/url]
Lel, wonder how many liberals are going to try to say it doesn't matte. Yet if he was a hardcore conservative, many would have used it.
Great. The kid was what, 18?
Damn liberals.
Another quote from the article: [quote]Pierson was a dedicated, bright student from a religious family that attends Bible study meetings.[/quote] Clearly he's a fundamentalist.
Saw this on Opposing Views. As dumb as the OP is, he's right.
Nobody ever said that all shooters were redneck republicans. His pollitical views are irrelevent.
So, how hard did a liberal -blam!- you?
Christ you're demented
Please go the -blam!- away. No one wants you here, and your trolling attempts are trite and old.
[i]"He had very strong beliefs about gun laws and stuff," said junior Abbey Skoda, who was in a class with Pierson during her freshman year. "I also heard he was bullied a lot."[/i]
And of course, conservatives once again, always have to resort to turning literally anything into a political flamebait orgy.
Edited by Nigdalf the Blac: 12/14/2013 11:59:30 PM[b] [/b]
Exactly. Only liberals perpetrate those shootings. They're instruments of Obama's regime in order to take away our gun rights.