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Edited by Recon Number 54: 12/14/2013 7:17:47 PM

How in the hell did South Park do that?

[url=]Review of "The Hobbit"[/url] What I don't know is how they got it to air so damned fast. The main plot points (hard to call them "arcs") - Wendy gets into a battle over photoshopped images undermining reality and both self-image and how people "see" each other. - Kim K. is referred to as a hobbit and Aquaman (he was busy so a former gay fish, Kanye) comes to class to deny that his fiancee is a hobbit. - Wendy gets madder and madder as more girls in the school photoshop themselves to appear more attractive and they boys become more interested in them, because they "look hot" in pics, but not in real life. - [b][u]Time is naming Pope Francis as "Person of the Year" and Kanye interrupts his acceptance speech to try to convince everyone that "Kim is NOT a hobbit" though evidence is starting to show that she actually is.[/u][/b] - Wendy is threatened with being sent to "Jelly School" if she continues to be a hater. - Wendy then goes on a rant that no one is perfect, should accept their imperfections, starts listing everyone's imperfections and it dawns on her (and everyone else) that she actually is "a hater". - Wendy caves and photoshops her own pics to be sexier. Typical South Park parody and social commentary, and well done. What I don't understand is how in the hell they were able to write, storyboard, animate, and voice the [u]Time's Person of the Year scene[/u] (with Pope Francis winning) so quickly. That just happened 3 days ago, [u]the same day[/u] that this episode aired. How'd they do that?

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  • You do know almost every south park episode is made the week it airs right?

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  • Recon bump

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    • They're very quick to make them. Pretty simple animation. And they don't necessarily complete the episodes chronologically, they were probably waiting for the 'Person of the Year' to be announced.

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    • Edited by Legend To None: 12/15/2013 5:26:12 PM
      They say the make their episode in 6days then air it. So every week is another episode. Although I beleive they said that to make their documentary interesting. But they prob did do this on within 6 days with their whole crew, or just switched which the winning character before it was finished just to relate with times.

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    • Edited by Plasma Eagle: 12/15/2013 5:14:08 PM
      South Park makes a ton of their episodes the day of and submit them minutes before they air.

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    • They probably had a few already made, and just cut the right one in right before sending it to Comedy Central.

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    • ... Wow, that is impressive. They probably had a good idea of who was going to win. A small group of people would have been possible, so I can't imagine it would be that difficult to just make a few versions of him interrupting different people.

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    • They probably had multiple scenarios with different people winning. Like the Obama and McCain election episode where they aired the one when Obama won, if it had been McCain they would have aired that version.

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      • Edited by God: 12/14/2013 7:05:28 PM
        Every episode is south park is started right after the previous episode aired and is finished right before it's supposed be to aired. In other words Matt and Trey are warlocks specializing in chronomancy.

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      • Their usual time frame is about 6 days. However they've said some episodes have time frames of 4 days when they're like fresh out of ideas, I think the shortest has been around 3 days. It can't be hard to imagine to do a single scene in the space of a quarter-half a day

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      • Proves that "Person of the year" was rigged. IT'S ALL A CONSPIRACY!

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      • They might have already animated his speech, they just added the surroundings, a pope, and a few voice segments. It's not too hard if you have mad talent like SP XD

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      • dumb luck, no point in reading into things too deeply. Remember, SP has said that before....

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      • Edited by UphillMercury: 12/14/2013 11:33:26 PM
        Perhaps they prepared ahead using scenes for several different likely recipients. I recall reading somewhere that it takes about a week to produce an episode of South Park. With that in mind, I'm sure they had some time to prepare scenes with several different characters. At that point, all they would have to do is select the episode with the correct recipient and send the episode off to the television networks.

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      • Trey and Matt have the show setup specifically to have episodes made weekly. They must either have some connections to Time, they were making a joke that ended up being real or they whipped that shit together in the final moments.

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      • Didn't you see that documentary on CC of how quick they make episodes so close to air time?

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        • Edited by Atomic Tea: 12/14/2013 11:30:19 PM
          Trey Parker and Matt Stone have absolutely no lives, or so I hear. "Yo, bitch. How you not a hobbit again? Oh, right right right. Love you too babe. *smooch* "

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        • It was a good one.

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        • A whole episode of South Park takes one week to make, compared to around 9 months for Family Guy. That's still very fast coming out the "day of" but it's what they do. There was a documentary on Netflix a while back showing how they write and produce South Park. If it's still there I recommended watching it, it's very interesting.

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        • That's South Park. Have you seem the documentary? That's why they take midseason brakes.

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        • It really wasn't hard to predict the pope would win.

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          • Illuminati.

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          • Edited by Brickman274: 12/14/2013 7:22:14 PM
            On the Ocean's Eleven/2008 elections episode, they guessed Obama winning the elections, they didn't have a "McCain winning" back up..... They're like wizards or Guardians with all their Space Magic.....

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          • Edited by Rahm: 12/14/2013 7:12:30 PM
            They make their episodes in like six days. There's probably a ton of room for last minute shit. OR, they just made a lucky guess that the Pope would the POTY

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              They were able to do the Saddam episode two days after we caught him. I thought that was pretty impressive. But this is just black magic.

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            • I think they said before that there's a lot of last minute rushing and production involved in episodes like this. It's still pretty amazing that they can pull it off.

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