Crayon Dragon, hands down, is one of my favorite animated shorts.
The Kiwi
This is some old shit by JG Quintel.
This is a little old, but I thought it was nice :)
Edited by Leeroy Jenkins: 12/14/2013 4:37:05 AMHold on let me get this Paperman by Disney
[url=]the shorter the better[/url]
More of a comedy person when it comes to shorts.
Spongebong Hemppants BY FAR
I also found this video not too long ago. It is a good one to check out.
It's a difficult choice between this and Hellbenders.
My first ever favorited video on YouTube. God, those feels.
Too lazy to link it off of mobile, but it was called "Lag."
I just watched crayon dragon. It was really cool and then I got sad at the end lol.
The Tankmen Series.
I watch Dick Figures sometimes.
Edited by MartinOfRedwall: 12/13/2013 11:37:05 PM[redacted double post]
Don is the man.
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