Above is a link to the popular website afore mentioned. Recently in the internet news because they are doing what they want with their own website. Many people are upset because a business is setting their website up the way they want it to work.
Many many self entitled people do not think a business should be allowed to run the way they want to completely overlooking the fact they are quite within their rights to open a website in competition. Were they to do this they could do what they want on their own website just like youtube is doing.
In other news crowds of people are filling wal-mart and demanding to see the store manager about re-arranging the layout of the store.
Edited by Recon Number 54: 12/14/2013 12:09:46 AMI am offended how the linked vid objectifies Sheep and German Shepherds. They're not sex objects! They are living breathing beings! With cute ears and collars and little bells.
You know it reminds me of this website a bit. Everyone started bitching when the rules were limited and gave us more freedom. People bitch at the government when their freedom of speech is being intruded on. Yet those same people enjoy the rules of the old b.net when we couldn't say what we wanted to. It was "better" that way. We have the freedom to do what we please yet people bitch anyways. I feel like anywhere I go on the internet there is always going to be someone that is going to bitch. Though this isn't just on the internet this happens in real life. The place I work at all their is is bitching yet they could go to another store yet they decide not to. It never makes sense. If I don't like something I would just go somewhere else the company would either have to change it back or lose my service. Of course I would give the criticism not just bitch. I have no idea what I just typed but god damn I am tired of all the bitching goodnight flood.
Never thought I'd wanna make love to a sheep.
Edited by Colonel Jackson: 12/14/2013 3:55:34 PM*facepalm* The action violates Fair Use laws and falsely flags content. It may be their home, their rules, but thats no way to run a business. If I was CEO of Google I would've personally sacked the people in charge of YouTube [quote]Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include— (1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes; (2) the nature of the copyrighted work; (3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and (4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors. [/quote]
People have every right to complain about something they use, especially the people that made it a living and generated the amount of money youtube has now.
Oh, I just love this argument. It's no different than "You criticized my opinion on a topic? Well, the first amendment, bruv! I can think what I want!" No fucking shit you can think what you want. That doesn't excuse you from criticism. This applies to YouTube and every other company and person on this planet.
While google is perfectly withing their rights to do whatever they please with their property, youtube's entire existence depends on the content creating community that uses it. You make things needlessly difficult for the content creators, you ruin the entire system. In the end it's money out of google's pocket because they're taking down perfectly legal videos that could be producing ad revenue; google is shooting themselves in the foot by limiting content creators.
ok, they can exercise those rights ONLY WHEN IT'S LAWFUL! and guess what? Youtube is breaking Fair Use laws!! you're saying that it's perfectly fine if I open a meat restaurant, that advertises meat, and then literally the next day I turn it into a 100% Vegan resturaunt that kills anyone who asks why we changed, because I'm exercising my rights to control my own buisness!
This isn't going to last, Angryjoe, ghostrobo, Pewdiepie, Kwing, The league of super critics, Totalbiscuit, All of these youtube channels has hundreds of followers, with that much support behind their back youtube will bend.
Video gave me a raging hard-on.
................ Get out.
Eh, youtube has become maunstream and lost alot of its early culture. It is now just a video site for everyone which is why the site is not for niche crowds. If you want high quality videos, go to vimeo. Want something edgy, provocative and strange, go to liveleak. Youtube is just a mainstream site, where only the well liked or popular videos will have success. Must say it is hard to find new content on there, unless i get the link from somewhere else.
That its their website doesn't change the fact that the policies they've implemented are easily prone to abuse and false positives and unnecessarily restrictive, and that, as a result, people who've made a living from producing legal content under fair use on that site are having their source of income interrupted. It isn't a matter of YouTube violating the law or contributors' freedom of speech or something, it's that they've implemented a bad policy that's having a detrimental effect on the site's user base, particularly those who've contributed a significant amount of content over a long time. They can and should be complaining about it.
And in this corner we have the dickrider, who no doubt is kissing the ass of YouTube because their decision doesn't affect him directly.
Am I missing something here? Is there some new issue with Youtube's ToS?
Edited by asir: 12/14/2013 12:29:34 AMNice vid. Also, [quote]#dicks[/quote] wut
This world...
9/10 skillfully written and is garnering many replies I predict at least 500+ responses before the end of the weekend, excellent work.
self entitled? It's the PEOPLE who made the website what it is today. Man assholes these days ... they haven't a clue.
Well yes, but it is a stupid move. Do you really want to kiss off consumers?
I'm interested here- would you use the same argument with 343 and Halo? Activision and CoD (Or whoever the -blam!- is making it now) or R* and GTA, and (X) company with (X) product? If yes, carry on. If you complain about Halo 4, or CoD: Ghosts or the Xbox One DRM, you have are hypocritical.
Of course they're 'allowed' to do it, but it is an incredibly dick move to screw over those that made you all your money and that's what people are so angry about.
What the -blam!-?
This business makes its money solely through the people who upload its content. They provide the stock. The entertainment. They should have a right collectively to decide how it works.
[quote]Many many self entitled people[/quote] How exactly is it self entitled?