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12/8/2013 10:24:59 PM

Do Bronies just do it for attention/to be different?

Seems so to me. If all these people actually were obsessed with MLP, wouldn't it make sense that there would be other huge communities on the internet, based around shows like Nihao Kailan and other shit? People are just jumping on the brony bandwagon at this point, to feel like they belong to something, maybe to even define themselves. Another question is, why do you choose to define who you are with a show that's designed for little girls?

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  • Edited by aBallisticToucan: 12/8/2013 11:15:40 PM
    We don't do it for attention any more than otakus and Adventure Time fans do it for attention (if you were to look into it, you'd find that it's not that different with us rather than any other fandom.) [quote]wouldn't it make sense that there would be other huge communities on the internet, based around shows like Nihao Kailan and other shit? [/quote] No. MLP is so different from those other shows that it isn't even funny. You see, the goal of the show's creator (who was the same person who made the Powerpuff Girls and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends if that means anything to you) was to make a children's cartoon that was entertaining without being overly-educational or dumber than shit. If you watched it (which I doubt you have,) you'd see that it's not something that's stupid and overly-child friendly. I'm not trying to make it seem like a badass action show, because it's not. But it's certainly not flowery and girly all the time either. Hell, the episode that premiered yesterday had a few different fully-portrayed fight scenes and a death trap that was meant to have a pony eaten alive by piranhas if she hadn't escaped from it. [quote]People are just jumping on the brony bandwagon at this point, to feel like they belong to something, maybe to even define themselves. [/quote] If people enjoy the show, they aren't just "jumping on" a bandwagon. And a sense of community exists within fans of everything. Bronies sure as hell aren't the only major fandom of the internet. What you're trying to say is basically like "Someone read a popular book and they're saying they enjoyed it, but they couldn't have actually enjoyed it because the book is already so popular. They're just pretending to enjoy it for the attention." I'm not saying that bronies don't have their pretty shitty moments, but a lot of your assumptions about us really don't work.

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  • I watch the show and like the music, what's wrong with that?

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  • Edited by CAMMCAM: 12/8/2013 11:55:41 PM
    Bronies are still an issue?

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  • Edited by asir: 12/8/2013 11:15:37 PM
    lol It's a good show. People watch it. It's not that difficult.

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  • And yet you made a thread about them? Ugh, speaking of bronies, they have too much -blam!-ing mlp shit at the mall as like every other store I saw had some -blam!-ing mlp shit in them.

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    • Yeah, the ones that genuinely like the show I bet keep it to themselves. There's stuff I like that I keep to myself because it's private, and I think that the ones who advertise it are simply attention whores.

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    • Edited by Alphy : 12/8/2013 10:45:41 PM
      OP is a brony seeking attention.

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      3 Replies
      • Speaking as a former brony, I can say with confidence that I became one because I wanted to be a part of some larger group of people. I wanted a sense of community, and the brony fanbase gave that to me. I've since stopped watching the show, but I enjoyed the time I spent watching.

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      • most likely, yes. Or they just haven't quite grown up yet.

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      • Some maybe, but not all.

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      • Yeah

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      • Edited by Otthild: 12/8/2013 10:47:04 PM
        As a Brony, I do it for me. DON'T LOOK AT GIF IF YOU ARE EPILEPTIC.

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        • #ishyddt

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          • [quote]a show that's designed for little girls?[/quote]Actually, it makes sense that adults enjoy the show, because they write it so that parents can enjoy it with their children.

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          • The Internet gives them the attention because it's a show that guys like meant for young girls. It's ok for adults to like Regular Show, Adventure Time, SpongeBob, and shows of that nature, but holy crap, a well written/animated show for girls?! That's just too far! Granted some take their obsession too far (I saw a freaking Youtube comment the other day which had a woman describing a day in her past by saying "When I was a young filly"... like seriously?), but people also care WAAAAAY too much about the fact that adults are watching a cartoon show. A good show is a good show; who cares what gender it's meant for?

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            • Can't that be said about most things?? Most want to feel like they belong

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              • They are desperate for honor.

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              • A lot of them probably do, yeah, that's just how our race works. Although I'm sure not all of them do. As for why? I dunno, it was just a growing trend that seemed good at the time I guess.

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              • Edited by Arky: 12/8/2013 10:33:14 PM
                They pretty much dropped off the radar. So how can it be for attention?

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              • #2013 #Talking about Bronies #I can't greentext #I don't know what greentext is #Why bring it up again if you dislike it #Bait #Python

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                • Absolutely. 100%

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