EDIT: Urk is on the scene, and according to him none of these, except the last painting, are Destiny related. However, his job does include leak control (AKA all the edits DeeJ gets haha) so I don't believe a word of it.
How do I know for sure?
[spoiler]Lens flair. [/spoiler]
[url=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-LCobnQumhSY/Umn9GZz1i5I/AAAAAAAAAXY/swvVGRWhIqE/s640/ih_cargo+vessel01c.jpg]And this[/url]
Also I found some concept art
[url=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-g6MaEHoEbAQ/Uol3HGFetkI/AAAAAAAAAbs/anYWhNIh-Cw/s1600/demita_guns.jpg]Some guns[/url]
[url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-55vCE4ZdDeI/UmYm14cS5_I/AAAAAAAAAXE/JGjuoc_zhz0/s640/ship+sketch01.JPG]Fighter ship 1[/url]
[url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-HlIzqvRUQ1U/UmYm1m-HodI/AAAAAAAAAXA/I3wHepMUxhc/s640/ship+sketch01b.JPG]Fighter ship 2[/url]
[url=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_7E9JZJKQtSU/TSjKqb6wygI/AAAAAAAAAVY/lhk_u7VQ8aI/s1600/dj44_demita.jpg]A warlock with a shield and a staff thingy[/url]
[url=http://31.media.tumblr.com/e4858f413cb98a134b5e38b0ad8250f5/tumblr_mt6pnlkOyH1rqvckio1_500.jpg][b]Long live the warthog![/b][/url]
Bear in mind, the artists seldom title their art as Destiny related since they are posting it on their private blogs, but the warthog one is surrounded by Destiny art by Darren Bacon, and it was uploaded in September :)
EDIT Have we seen this one yet? [url]http://s.cghub.com/files/Image/635001-636000/635149/607_large.jpg[/url]
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