originally posted in:Guardian Radio Alliance
I have been finding it interesting that the footage we have been seeing often shows Warlocks in the "Point" position of the Fireteam. From what we know of the classes this seems like a bad idea with their low armor. This got me thinking about my ideal Fireteam arrangement. This is what I have so far:
[b]On Point:[/b]
The Titan
Main Weapon: Pulse Rifle
Secondary: Shotgun or other close quarters weapon
Heavy: Player's Choice
With his high amount of armor and the Fists of Havok AOE the Titan is the class that should be in the front of the line during combat situations. He can take more damage than any other class and dish more out in tight situations. The burst fire of the Pulse rifle allows for the flexibility of range on the battlefield giving the Point man the ability to deal with all combat situations. Shotguns and other close quarters weapons are necessary when encountering ambushes in the field where the point man is face to face with his foes. Being the first into the fray means that using Heavy weapons won't be the first option, generally speaking, so the choice is really one of preference.
[b]The Middle Man:[/b]
The Warlock
Main Weapon: Assault Rifle
Secondary: Pistol
Heavy: Heavy Machine Gun
The middle man is the jack of all trades, however, supporting the Titan with suppressive fire of either the full automatic fire of the Assault Rifle or the power of the Heavy Machine Gun is his main duty. While the Warlock is more vulnerable than the other classes with the Titan soaking up the brunt of the damage the Warlock is poised to bail the Titan out of sticky situations with his Nova Bomb and Radiance abilities. Being in the middle also provides the most protection, putting the team res in a good position.
[b]The Sharpshooter:[/b]
The Hunter
Main Weapon: Scout Rifle
Secondary: Players Choice
Heavy: Sniper Rifle
It could easily be argued that the Hunter should be on point, and that is a valid option, however, the speed and power that the class appears to have make it a spear to be used in direct specific strikes. With the scout rifle and sniper rifles reach on the battlefield the Hunter can pick off opponents over the heads of the Warlock and Titan. The Hunter can also bail out the Warlock if he gets into any trouble using his Golden Gun Ability.
This is just my theorycrafting, what do you guys think the best Fireteam arrangement is?
Tired - old
A Fireteam of 3 Titans who are best friends IRL, equipped with nothing but a weaksauce pistol, Leroy Jenkins'ing everything. Beast. -
From what I have seen and read so far. Warlocks are more agile and have greater DPS than titans. That is what flankers need. The idea is to get to the side of or behind the enemy and shoot their exposed end. Warlocks also have explosive magic attacks so they can pop out of cover, fire, pop into cover letting the bang do the rest. Meaning he is exposed to fire for a very short period of time and has the ability to flush out the enemy exposing them to your allies fire. Titans are slower and absorb bullets. This means they are great for suppression/distraction because in order to provide covering fire you need to have your head out of cover. If the warlock did this that means you would have the most vulnerable class drawing everyone's fire while standing partly out of cover. Hunter, either in a birds nest of some sort picking of the enemy with his elevated position (which reduces the effectiveness of cover). Or as another flanker since they apparently have really powerful melee skills.
Paradigm Shift: Relentless Assault
I'm thinking eventually the standard will be a duo Titan combo with either a Lock or Hunter as the DPS. From the small glimpse of gameplay I've seen some of the encounters dish out serious damage. But the game is geared towards player preference so we really won't be able to "theory-craft" until we get hands on. Viability may be in the hands of the beholder.
Give me a sword and some explosives. I'll be a one man army.
My ideal fireteam is whatever friends I so happen to be playing with at the time. Then when I'm the hunter I'll send my friends up ahead and when we spot and enemy I'll shoot my friend in the back of the head, then I'll say it was an accident. Troll lol lol. Just kidding, I wouldn't do that, or would I...
I approach this based on the idea that I will play a Warlock, so obviously I have to craft a fireteam that can include me. I envision a support role for myself at mid-range (middle position) with almost exactly what you suggest with the exception of I give myself whichever primary or secondary suits my fancy (will likely be a scout rifle/pistol, though). A majority of my play will be in casting spells periodically to wipe floor with enemies and using my LMG at leisure to churn away isolated units. I might actually consider two hunters to be a fitting set in front and behind me. The frontman would use a rocket launcher/assault rifle/shotgun for panic suppression and vehicle dispatching, while the one behind uses a sniper and keeps far back from the fray to pick-off high profile units or flankers before heading to mid-range with a scout rifle and pistol. For indoors combat, both hunters take point, but one will always flank a room when possible while the point man considers the main route with me (Warlock) covering. The point man hunter has access to crucial close-quarters abilities that make the class quite robust for first encounter situations. Being the middle-man of the armor category means that the role will require a bit more awareness and reactivity, so there would be a skill requirement to fulfill this setup properly. The back hunter can make good use of more mobility/damage-augmenting abilities to accent his sniping and flanking roles. Having two Hunters means that in a situation requiring stealth, two people in the team can effectively negotiate the matter rather than the team depending on one to do so. This can drastically reduce the necessary tactical effort in PvE. I could see min-maxing teams of three Hunters or Warlocks (depending on what other abilities they have) as well. The Titan, however, sports a resilience that would best serve one of the other two classes to take advantage of a Titan drawing fire and attention. Saying it this way, of course, ignores the fact that the Titan will be as responsible for killing things as the other two members. Nobody's weapon is going to be useless in Destiny, after all.
You make a good argument but I believe every class will be able to take any position on the field. Tank, agility, and raw power are good examples of attributes we've seen that make good point people and each are of the different classes. Everyone has different styles of play and I think what makes a good fireteam is communication and teamwork. We should get out of the stigma of mmo style play and remember it is more fps. Think mass effect multiplayer on steroids.