(More info in attached article)
When a woman and her daughter were on their way home, they were ambushed by 10 guys they didn't know. They were walking in a parking lot, going to their car. One of the men got in her daughters face and hit her. The mother ran to the side, pulled out her gun and fired [b]one[/b] shot into the [b]air[/b]. When the cops showed up she didn't run or anything. Her daughter was sent to her Grandmother's until the case was solved and is now missing. The cops are still blaming the mother and have seemingly done less to search for the girl than her mother that is in a prison cell has.
Shooting it into the ground would have been better, if you're in an open space, that bullet still has dangerous potential. Shooting into the roof in a one-story house or similar building would have been a more acceptable place, if it's on your own property.
Edited by asir: 10/24/2013 8:03:34 PMShooting a gun in the air is incredibly dangerous. That bullet comes down faster than if you just shot it. Luckily it didn't hit anyone.
Well, that mother is a better person than me. I would have wasted every single one of those pussies if they hit my daughter.
The woman shouldn't be charged at all. If I were her, I would've shot the men. It's called self-defense.
It was even less severe than actual self-defence. Therefore seeing as how it would've been justified to cap the guy in the face firing the shot into the air is considerably less bad, so therefore she didn't commit any crimes. And the cop who arrested her should be sentenced to execution by being slowly disembowelled for child murder because he caused the daughter to get lost. I'm assuming that the daughter has been kidnapped by the attackers, rayped and murdered by being sexually tortured to death as revenge for getting interrupted in said raype by the gunshot. They should've arrested or shot and killed the attackers... And the mother should be let free, paid compensation and then they should go look for her daughter. The perpetrators should be arrested for child abuse, as a mild misdemeanour. If it's found out that they've committed worse attacks or they've committed murder before then arrested for felony... The daughter best have had only just ran away and will be found alive and unviolated otherwise that cop should get killed. Also, how the flying fu.ck diid they lose the daughter? And how do they have the audacity to blame the mother? They should be fired for incompetence and insubordinance as well as negligence and abuse. If the daughter's not found alive they should be sentenced to execution for child murder... How did the girl go missing??? I don't get how she escaped police custody / granny custody... O_O I mean, come on now. They clearly were attacking her, why didn't they have police stationed nearby to make sure nothing happened to her? The gang will have attacked her because her mother interrupted the attack. She'll be dead by now. It's the polices fault and they should be reprimanded... It's the most retarded thing I've seen outside of court...
Oh, the girls missing... How dafuq?
Firing a "warning shot", despite the fact that the VP of the US recommended to the public, is a legally and defensively dangerous action. If an individual is faced with a threat that they reasonably believe to be a mortal threat to themselves or others, firing at anything or anyone other than their attackers undermines their position and claim to be "in mortal danger". Employing lethal force is a clear line and to attempt to use lethal force in a less-than-lethal manner indicates that the user did not consider lethal force to be completely necessary. Attorneys tear apart people who firing warning shots.
Well thats dumb
Yeah, that's no good. Should have just shot the punks.
She should be let go. She should have fired at the boys attacking her daughter. Think about it, 10 boys, one hitting her daughter? If being attacked by a gang isn't perceived as life threatening, what is? Did one of the boys have to knock her down and start hitting her head on the pavement first? Methinks her arrest has more to do with her name being Lakesha and being in Virginia with a name like that, than anything else. Had her name been something like Sarah, then she would likely been wrapped in a blanket and handed hot cocoa.
Edited by The Tempun II: 10/24/2013 3:53:42 PM35 Year old Lakisha Gardner >Lakisha Gardner >[i]Lakisha[/i] It all makes sense now.
Uhh, firing one shot into the air is exactly why she was arrested. That's a dangerous and incredibly irresponsible thing to do. Bullets don't just magically disappear after being fired into the air.
She unlawfully fired a round into the air, to disperse a non life threatening situation. She should lose the right to carry, and her weapon.
The mother should not have fired into the air, the only safe weapon to fire straight up into the air is a shotgun. She should have drawn her weapon and aimed it at them, threatening to use force if they did not leave her daughter alone. The police should have done nothing but educate her on not firing your weapon into the air.
Edited by Pendulate: 10/24/2013 3:58:52 PMNvm I'm a dumbass
Need more details. After all we could be missing something here.
Have the ten men been charged or found?
"2. Never point your weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot."
This warning shot law should be changed. However, get that woman some weapon training classes for free. That should be her punishment.
She should be let go. At lease she didn't murder anyone like police officers and other random citizens do in 'self defence' every day.
Here's the facts, in some states you have to prove that you were trying to retreat before using deadly force, even though it was a warning shot, you have to prove that you were trying to get away. Second, shooting in the air doesn't help, the bullet has to come down, its not like hollywood where a bullet keeps going up and up and never comes back down. The bullet will come down and could injure someone or something. That was all her fault. She misused a firearm and she should know better. Now, was there time to call the police, probably not, but shooting a gun in the air shouldn't have been her first move. She should've tried to get their attention by her voice before firing the gun. I think she had the right to defend herself and her daughter, its just that i think she went in the wrong order of things. She shouldn't go to jail over it but she should take some sort of safety course
Edited by Spartan Ken 15: 10/24/2013 1:40:25 PMFiring your weapon randomly in the air is very stupid, you have no idea where the bullet will land or travel. You can easily kill someone who was unfortunate enough to stand in it's unseen path. But I don't think she should be severely punished, but I do think it looks bad that she solved a situation that seemed to be non lethal by firing her gun in the air instead of at an attacker.
Edited by cxkxr: 10/24/2013 2:10:37 PMYuuuup.
This is a complicated situation. On the one hand, she tried to avoid having to kill someone by firing the warning shot. On the other hand, (it's my understanding that) as far as CCL with a CCW goes; you're only supposed to draw your weapon with the [b]intent to kill[/b], because your life is in danger. This would be considered brandishing a weapon, and possibly careless use of a firearm. I personally don't have an issue with her actions, but I do understand why the law does.