originally posted in:Guardian Radio Alliance
Hello again all.
I was just wondering what everbodys opinion was with regards to a personal space in game.
I personally would love to see our spacecraft as a sort of miniature apartment with spaces for extra storage, areas for personalization, an uplink terminal for in game notifications & email and maybe a garage for single person craft (like the sparrow) so that I do not have to hijack one everytime I'm dropped off in a location.
My hesitation with regards to this are that it becomes too easy to just sit in a location without interacting with anyone in the local area (Either other players or NPC vendors and quest givers) and thus not actually experience the world around your character.
Despite this, I believe that having just a small space where I can hang up my revolver after a long night of hunting the Fallen would be an important part of living in the world.
Please comment and let me know your ideas. Thanks.
I think creating an in-game physical space would be difficult to implement given the number of players expected to play (that is, if it's somewhere other players could go). On the other hand, if this space was instanced just for you, I could see it be inside your ship where you kept all of your gear, almost like a "stash" seen in other games. There you are, hanging out, chattin' the latest Traveler gossip in the tower when suddenly, "...oh, you want to trade your MK 44 for my FWC Fusion Rifle? Let me go grab it from Ragnarok (or other bada** ship name here) real quick my Guardian bro!" So yes, I think it'd be awesome to have your ship be a private stash/apt! Great idea.
well anyone that doesn't want to socialize still wont, whether they have a lil place of their own to go hide or not, they'd probably just avoid the social spaces. Can't say I've ever understood people that play multiplayer games solo only /shrug. To each their own and all that~
Tired - old
I dont know about on the actual ship itself, since the ships are actually kinda small.They seem like jets, with the cockpit and nothing else, though I would like maybe the hanger/room off the hanger as a personal place, that would be nice. -
Please get out of my personal space.