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9/29/2013 9:16:45 AM

The Urban dictionary

The Urban Dictionary says Slut - A woman with the morals of a man Whore - A woman who sleeps with everyone You - Not me Me - Not you Someone - A person. What in hell else would this mean? Love - Nature's way of tricking people into reproducing Stupid - Someone who has to look up "stupid" in the dictionary because they don't know what it means. Fire - good herb

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  • [quote] An amazing guy. Friendly, funny, fantastic. He's a nerd but hot (and wow what a body! Love those abs and ass!). Gotta love him! [/quote] [quote] a guy with a HUGE dick. who is amazing at sex and who i would let -blam!- me anytime. but is also a heartbreaker. [/quote] [quote] The most amazing guy you'll ever meet. Friendly, smart, funny, cute, & did I forget to mention how hot he is? Sweetest & sexiest guy ever. His smile is irresistible & no one can compare! [/quote] [quote] He is the swettest most amazing guy, he has the funniest sense of humour that only i seem to understand, and he seems to create awkward turtle moments more often than not. He is passionate yet caring, and he is understanding like no other. [/quote] [quote] Such a Hot Kid, so sexy and such a great ass, and abs, with that smile, and those warm honey brown eyes. Dang good hair, and awesome muscles. Such a hottie! [/quote] [quote] An amazing, sexy, out of this world and very handsome man! A man who will rule your heart and soul.. and become your home! A fantastic personality, will light up your world! Takes no crap.. but seems to make exceptions for the lady in his life! Amazing lover.. will always knock your socks off! A very rare treasure! Tends to have cupcake ways! [/quote] Nobody knows me like Urban Dictionary knows me.

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    I have some mixture in my name. [quote] the cutest guy ever, and has the greatest respect for girls, is funny, and very very LOVING![/quote] [quote] a handsome man with determination and drive, a good sense of humor, easy going and carefree. Fun to be around, easy to talk to, never fake and full of optimism.[/quote] [quote] A noble ganster who shoots unstabel -blam!-[/quote] [quote] A bad ass mofo who is the iron chef of pounding vag. All the woman want him! He has 11 1/2 inches. Bad ass drinker who will kill your bitch ass if u -blam!- with him. His friends are bad ass to which is bad ass, bad ass.[/quote] [quote] A man with an 11 incher who picks up a lot of milfs at the library.[/quote] All true

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  • [quote] 1: The IQ of President George Bush.[/quote] Lol.

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    2 Replies
    • Edited by A Cheese Potato: 9/29/2013 9:28:01 AM
      The definitions for my name are weird [quote]1. A large penis that can't fit into a girl's vagina. 2. A boner-like penis that is dificult to hide in a horny situation. 1. Damn dude, you couldn't fit your Nathan into her vagina.. is it really that big? 2. Yeah, there was this hot chick I saw in a porno at the store... it totally gave me a Nathan.[/quote] [quote] To wake someone up by sticking an erect penis in their ear. Dude! Do a Nathan on him![/quote] [quote] A large and sharp battle axe designed to peel potatoes and open cereal boxes. 1) Hey, I can't get this box of apple jacks to open, can you hand me your Nathan?[/quote]

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        Sean [quote]used to define huge sarcastic assholes, that end up becoming amazingly sweet. Seans know exactly how to piss you off and then five seconds later have you cracking up. Huge jerks, but gotta love 'em. [/quote] That's fairly accurate... The other definitions are kind of creepy, like some obsessed girlfriend wrote them all... [url][/url]

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      • The Urban Dictionary Says Call Of Duty - An amazing way to keep your virginity.

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      • It describes me quite well. [quote] A very sweet and thoughtful guy who is the ideal boyfriend. He can read others like a book and everyone looks to him for advice. He is dependable and looks out for those who are good friends to him. Peter's, however, think too much and this gets them in trouble. Peter's are the go to guys that anyone would be lucky to find as a friend or lover![/quote]

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      • Ty: thank you -blam!- you urban dictionary I want a cool name definition too.

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      • Ryan[quote]A handsome man with determination and drive, a good sense of humor, easy going and carefree. Fun to be around, easy to talk to, never fake and full of optimism. He is a real ryan! He is not only hot, but a of both worlds![/quote] And I'm a little king. Such royalty.

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      • My name says something about me having a big dick. This is indeed true, but not welcome.

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      • [b]Joel[/b] [quote]You'll never meet anybody whose as interesting as a Joel. It's hard to wrap your fingers around him because he isn't stable. This guy is so good at reading people and playing mind games that he'll have you wrapped around his finger before you know it and you'll fall so in love with him that you'll begin to disregard all of the bad qualities that he has. A Joel is passionate and driven, someone who can overcome challenges without letting the pressure enthrall him. Truly a calm and cool individual. He's smart,cunning,and deceitful but that just adds to his hotness. He's well liked but he can let it get to his arrogant head and become a rude and selfish jerk. Beware if you aren't in his inner circle or a complete hottie because that's when his rudeness becomes noticeable. Despite his many faults he will cherish those that he love and remain loyal and dedicated to you once you've been accepted by him. He's cautious about who he chooses to surround himself with and thus he knows many but has few true friends. He is the epitome of an evil genius. Girl 1: Hey who is that hot guy over there??? Girl 2: Oh that's Joel but he is such a smart ass player!!! Girl 1: I've finally found what I've been looking for!![/quote]

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      • Edited by DarkestSeptagon: 9/29/2013 9:56:08 AM
        [quote][b]Camm[/b] Someone who has no future at all. They strive off their career as head cashier at Burger King. Their jokes get old before they even use them. Someone who still gets rides from their parent after the age of 16. [i]"Son, we want you to get good grades and go to college so you don't end up like a Camm."[/i][/quote]

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      • Bungie: " When two males sew both of their penis shafts together. Then the 2 males make their way to a high ledge. one male jumps off the edge and the other stays there and trys not to fall. Today my best friend Ryan died. We were doing a bungie together and when he jumped off our shafts broke apart and he droped down 60 stories to his death."

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      • I won't say that all of those definitions are accurate, but they're not wrong.

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      • First 3 for my name. [quote] a goofy,funny,crazii,outgoing,loving person! a guy with this name is amazing. he is adorable and very caring person. he will always be there for you. he might have the nickname goober . he can make you laugh no matter what,even if ur having the worst day ever. some people may call him weird or strange, but if he wasnt all of those things then he wouldn't be goober. he is a remarkable person,trustworthy, and an awesome friend. you are being so adam/goober! [/quote] [quote] The first Man to ever get laid. Adam and Eve had wild sex all night long. [/quote] [quote] An adorable boy, who is great in many ways. see perfect boy Adam-*says the most perfect things ever,* Tracy-*melts.* [/quote]

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      • Huh [quote][b]Keeker[/b] To laugh; to make a joyful noise. [i]"Omg...keeker keeker keeker. That was pretty funny."[/i][/quote]

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        • First result for my name: Another term for a "sexy beast". I'm okay with this.

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        • Halo [quote]1. without this game most guys would spend most of their time masturbating 2. code word: group, all male, masturbating. 3. electronic circle jerk, multiguy mission.[/quote]

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        • "Thomas" [quote]A Teenage white kid that has an abnormally large penis usually ranging to 7.5 inches to 8[/quote] [quote]The best boyfriend a girl can ask for. Will do anything for you and will love you with all his heart. Any girl who dates him will be the happiest girl on the planet.[/quote] [quote]a person who is very gifted intellectually but does not apply himself, and yet still accomplishes many lofty feats [/quote] [quote]A very kind person,always willing to talk, and be there when your down. [/quote] [quote]Most often a white man with a very large penis ranging from 6.5 - 8.5 inches. While the individual may or may not realize it he is such a stud that women and a few men find him to be irresistible and would do thing for and with him they normally wouldn't do. While a Thomas may be a nice guy on the outside they are a freakin' stud in bed and drive women wild.[/quote] [quote]When a cock is so big it could have it's own face. Similar to the train featured in Thomas the Tank Engine. [/quote] SEEMS ABOUT RIGHT!

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          5 Replies
          • First thing that comes up for my name. [quote]The coolest person in the world. smart, funny, sexy,, just completely amazing. Most girls want him in the sack and just cant resist being around him.[/quote]lel

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            • I wrote the UD definition for the Toast/Envelope Method.

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            • Love this one[quote]Boyscout A member of an organization that is miserably misunderstood. In the boyscouts most of the boys spend their time playing with knives, fire,and guns. Most people say they are wimpy nerds when in fact most of them are experts with knives and could kill you from fifty feet with a spoon. On camping trips they play knife games and try to set everything they can on fire. Boy scouts do not learn good values and how to eat bugs they become experts with dangerous weapons.[/quote]

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