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8/13/2013 4:46:33 PM

It's been an eventful week for me so far

So this past Sunday a couple friends and I were supposed to move into our new 3 bedroom apartment. We get there and some girl from the company we are leasing from met us at the door and started the tour. Every thing was going well until we got to the stairwell. It reeked of cat piss. We go up the stairs and it just gets worse. There's a stain on my bedroom floor that I can only assume is from cat puke. So when we get downstairs I tell the girl "look, it's obvious that whoever was here had at least one if not several cats. I'm allergic to cats, so this is going to be a huge health issue if you guys don't get it fixed." She tells her boss, who gets the carpet cleaners there in less than 30 mins. We move all our stuff into the tile until the cleaned finish and then we wait until later than night. The carpet still smells like piss, but at least there's so allergic reaction going on anymore. So I tell her we need to just get that carpet replaced. That was yesterday. I am typing this as what I assume are the last pieces of the new carpet are being laid. The boss lady here knows how to get stuff done. Which leads me to believe that she sent someone to check this place when the last residents left, and whoever that person was just didn't do his/her job. At any rate, that's been my week so far. My friends and I have been in move-in limbo for the past three days, but at least we get some new carpet out of it. Also, Sunday night another friend was transporting my bed frame and my office chair to the apartment for me. The only problem is that the friend didn't tie anything down... So both pieces of furniture flew off the back of the truck when it hit a bump in the road and probably would have killed my girlfriend and I if not for the fact that I was a few car lengths back and was able to swerve out of the way in time. Thankfully we were on a very seldom travelled road, so no one got hurt. Either way, my bed frame and chair are toast now. We picked up the splintered and shredded pieces and threw them in a dumpster. On the up side, I think I've used up all my bad luck for at least another month. Anyway, I'm bored waiting for these guys to finish installing the carpet, and I'm sitting in a pile of random furniture and other shit that we haven't been able to move into our rooms yet. How has your week been going flood? TL;DR this has been a long week for me and its only Tuesday... How are you guys?

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  • It's been going pretty well. I'm going back to school on the 21st and I'm just enjoying the last days of summer break.

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    • Edited by Cobravert: 8/15/2013 5:46:24 PM
      [url=]Here, have a house warming gift![/url]

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      • Very nice way to spend a Tuesday. Hope that all turns out for the better. Post a pic of the carpet when it's done. My week has been a little drab. This past weekend we had four performances of our production of [i]Hair[/i] we had spent a month rehearsing for, and it went really amazing. On Sunday night after strike, all of us went out to dinner, but we found out one of the girls had been stupid and had an empty bottle of vodka in her purse. So she was wasted, and sort've ruined the night because we were all freaking out about what to do with her, considering she drove an hour away alone. On the plus side, it was good bonding time for those of us who were working on a solution. Happy ending. For more bad news, I broke my Xbox yesterday, after playing Far Cry 3 not even two days after buying it. Now I'm on the road to the East for 10 days.

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      • Nice. I'm also trying to move in with 2 other friends into a three bedroom apartment in Tenerife. All I'm waiting for is to actually move from the UK to there and get on with my life. Can't wait for it.

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      • That is... Pretty eventful! How long did it take you to save up for a 3 bedroom apartment with 3 of you? Always been something I've been interested in doing

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          Blog post is extra bloggy today.

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        • I recently got spinal surgery about a week ago. It hurts like all hell when I try to bend my back, but I can walk more or less. I need someone to help me eat and drink, get in and out of bed, and use the restroom. But, I'm improving dramatically. I'll be able to take care of most of my needs in about a week or two.

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          • Thanks for the blog, muted.

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            • >not tying your furniture down before transport You could've killed someone. Go jump in a pit of flaming diarrhea and stay there until you learn common sense.

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