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My dad works at 343i , and he recently told me they've been testing Halo 5. This is what he told me;
- They've been adding a perk where you can carry 8 grenades
- They got rid of the small maps, because they want to focus on the battlefield audience
- They are certain that elites will come back undoubtedly along with the Arbiter.
- Along with Spartans and playable Elites in-game, there will be a 3rd species. (Probably dogs)
- Fish AI
- Ranking system from CoD will most likely be introduced in the next Halo.
0/10 Too obvious.
Meh. Decent troll
6/10 at best
From 343, I expect nothing but a bad game.
So next gen.
I lol'd 7/10
Wouldn't be surprised...
0/10 was disappoint