My dad has a part time job at Saks 5th Avenue, and gets a company discount. Today, I got a $300 Canali sweater for about $50. And that's not even priciest I've gotten...
He also bought me a 2002 Mini Cooper (granted he bought it from his friend for about $3750) with 50,000 miles. And I was complaining because it's a manual transmission...
So, I'm a spoiled brat. Can you guys top that?
Edited by WickedNavajo: 12/17/2013 1:49:08 AMWell, I remember this one time when my family was at my grandmother's house for some thing, and the package of hamburger buns that were just bought, maybe an hour earlier, had mold on them -_- Wait a minute...Oh, you mean like extravagant gifts? That would have to be my school trip about two years ago to Washington DC, New York City, and Hershey, Pennsylvania. It cost like $2,000 and my grandparents paid for it. I will cherish it for a very long time, because it was so awesome.
750k inheritance, no college debt, shall i go on?
A xbox 360 in 2006.
Probably a 300 dollar StG 44 airsoft gun. By god it's awesome, but I never have a good place to use it at. Living in suburbia sucks.
A £700 Fender Highway one Strat.
One time my parents offered to help pay for college. I was spoiled when my father offered to show me how to take out Federal loans as well.
I got my 13-Inch Mid 2010 MacBook Pro for college from my parents. I never knew the exact price but, it was a base model, so assume it was around $1,200 give-or-take
-18 years of staying in a house without paying for food or board -all of you kind taxpayers paying for my college -2002 Hyundai Elantra
Yeah, 2002 Firebird ($9500) 70,000 miles. Oh yeah, and its convertible.
An Xbox One
My parents have paid my rent for the past 2 years. I guess that counts
Edited by Silent Bob: 7/28/2013 3:55:39 PM[i] [/i]
£800 laptop I put £150 towards.
My gaming computer for my 16th birthday. I forget the price, but I don't think it went over $1,000. Only upgrades I've needed thus far is more RAM, from 4GB to 16 GB, and a new graphics card, because when my dad bought the parts, he somehow thought a new ATI 5670 would be more powerful than my old 9800 GT. [url=]He was wrong.[/url]
Two Armani suits, complained about the inside color LOL
I got a priceless handwoven silk scarf yesterday...
£1300 for university.
Honestly, my college classes. I've been given a lot in my life, but i'm thankful for every piece of it.
A new car. The deal was if I got a scholarship they'd buy me a new car, so that's exactly what happened.
Edited by Ad Hoc: 12/11/2013 7:11:08 PMProbably a Ps2. My parents bought be a lot of consoles/handhelds when I was younger. I always felt bad because they didn't really have the money for it. On the other hand, they kept buying horses, which are a lot more expensive.
Xbox 360
College by far.
College. But my dad did get me an Ibanez Jem <3
Spoiled eggs.
The year the Wii came out, there were none available anywhere. Like Xboxes and PS4s were in the first couple weeks, you couldn't find any Wiis. My mom accidentally found three at Target, so she bought them all (because two of my parents friends were looking for them as well), and she surprised me with one on Christmas. It was probably the best Christmas ever.