My dad has a part time job at Saks 5th Avenue, and gets a company discount. Today, I got a $300 Canali sweater for about $50. And that's not even priciest I've gotten...
He also bought me a 2002 Mini Cooper (granted he bought it from his friend for about $3750) with 50,000 miles. And I was complaining because it's a manual transmission...
So, I'm a spoiled brat. Can you guys top that?
I live in a house in a 1st world country with loving parents and caring friends. I think that counts.
Dick, I asked for 6 inches but I got 9. Lucky me.
>$3000 trumpet >$500 xbone + dark souls 2/titanfall
A penis and a pair of balls, and my color when i was born, it sure is great being a white man in todays world.
Complaining because it was a manual and not a slush box? Are you a pussy or something?
A Storm of Swords
I got a laptop for my bday.
Gears of war 3 with Dom ._. I still cried
The cardboard box that I live in.
I prefer to spoil others :D
I believe it was my PS2 when it first released. That's about it.
I once got a pie... For free!!!!! Topped
The $160,000 college education.
Rotten milk
A 25$ giftcard to walmart.
My Xbox One
My college tuition was not only paid for, but in my name slowly, so my credit is amazing.
Edited by DarkSpyda04: 3/6/2014 5:15:22 AMA gallon of spoiled milk. *Looks down a few posts* DAMMIT KRANK!!
I tend to check expiration dates before I buy my food. On a different note, why is this still trending? The trending system on this site is a -blam!-ing mongoloid. Unless you want to view the same twenty posts for a month or longer, you might as well just sit on 'Latest'.
I'm honestly a bit afraid of full-blown bragging about how spoiled I've been. Like, what if someone kidnaps me and extorts my family for money? GUYS I'M SCARED.
Um. Huh. I got $100 for my birthday once - from one person! That's the best I got..and I think it might have been $60.
Food on the weekends
Me got promoted one time in Covenant! Me got new armour and Sangheili even gave me plasma rifle!
A car?
I got a gameboy back when we didn't have much money. That was nice. I also got a $50 meal for free