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7/19/2013 12:48:54 AM

How do you think religion would deal with bio-synthetic immortality?

So we see this concept in sci-fi some times, and here about it now and then in some news articles, the idea being that we may eventually escape the decay of our bodies by either transferring our minds to machines, or maintaining them indefinitely with machines. Were this technology to arise in our lifetimes, how do you think religion would handle it? I would argue that one of the most appealing thing about religion to most people is it's ability to address the fears and anxiety people have about death. Were technology to ever completely supplant/make irrelevant this function of religion, would religion as a whole reject the technology, or embrace it as the realization of their desires? Does the answer change with the religion?

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  • We need a composer:3

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  • Would not affect it. World building won't either.

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  • I like how so many just ignored the OP and started saying that it could never happen. Anyways, I think that the religious orders would roll with the times. The message would be tweaked, but the content the same. There would be some hold outs, that would refuse whatever process, but in a hundred years they would die off.

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  • its stated in the bible that we will one day gain immortality or everlasting life so why is it so impossible to see a possible connection there ,and science and religion have coordinated each other for years for example the rib was taken from adam to create eve and which bone in the whole body has the most DNA according to science THE RIB. another example "the great beast roamed the earth" and is there no possibility that they could be dinosaurs.

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  • I don't think there's a possible way for any organic part of the body to last forever, so I'm assuming that we would all theoretically have to have our minds turned into data and loaded into a robotic body. After a while I feel like being a mind in a tin can would get old. Imagine all the things we wouldn't be able to do. I'd much rather die a human than live forever as a robot... No offense to robots. I just like eating food and having emotions and stuff like that that robots are incapable of.

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    6 Replies
    • [quote]How do you think religion would deal with bio-synthetic immortality?[/quote]Not well.

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    • Same way religion deals with science... Now that I think about it main idea about how the universe was created was the big bang but whats saying the "lord" didn't cause big bang.

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      17 Replies
      • Would not affect it. People would still believe what they want to, regardless of the latest and greatest aging cream.

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      • Badly.

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      • Symbiotic Jesus!

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      • OP is one of the Final Five.

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      • People who truly believe in their religion, or in God, will still die. Logically, why would you want to live eternally in this piece of shit world, when you can live for eternity in Heaven?

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        6 Replies
        • Honestly, if any factor were to make religion disappear completely, I would argue that this would be it. When given the choice between actually gaining immortality or taking your chances after you die, I feel that most would rather play it safe in their choice. I do think that most religious organizations would not accept it, however, most followers probably would.

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