You and another Floodian must spend a night at a fancy, 4.5 star hotel in Nassau. Your hotel room has a king-size bed and you have to sleep within a foot of your partner.
Who is this Floodian?
Glorious who 99
Any chance I could sleep with ALL of the flood?
Edited by Stoker: 2/3/2015 2:55:56 AM[i] [/i]
Lenny ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'm celibate against internet relationships. Plus this is really cringe-worthy...
OP r u gurl or boi?/
Wait, let me try this Hotpink still a thing?
Fruit so we can cuddle
OPs non
You guys honestly would sleep with shadows? What the hell is wrong with you people? Well, I guess if sleeping with a handicapped loon gets you goin' then I shouldn't be sayin' anything at all.
Hmmmmm... Felicia or Clare (If Clare is actually a girl and not a guy pretending)
Crimson. Don't know him.
Edited by DragonzZilla: 7/18/2013 6:14:36 AMMyself.
Squiggy <.<
Edited by asir: 7/17/2013 8:32:18 PMShadowling We're like, the exact same age so it only seems logical...
Edited by Lilith: 7/18/2013 6:15:55 AMGP. ...Is she still a thing?
I ain't doing no sleeping
Alright Camnator, you ready for a crazy ass night!
Shadowling or smiths01
A gun.
They know who they are. <3 [spoiler]Dropship.[/spoiler]