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Yeah, so I'm curious what the community thinks about why Bungie decided to go with three as the max number for a fireteam? Many of us have been conditioned by games such as Halo to four-man fire teams. One obvious answer is that it matches the number of classes available...although it is not confirmed there won't be more classes. However, it can be pointed out that this is exactly how Bungie has presented the fireteam thus far in The Law of Jungle vid and their E3 demo. Do you think the reason might be symbolic? I don't think this would be a complete explanation but are certainly many forms of literature and media that play of the idea a trinity as being the perfect number to fight evil. The Matrix is the first thing the comes to my mind. From a thematic standpoint, I kind of like the idea of a three man fireteam. Feels legendary to me...
What I think about it from an operational standpoint? It could work but I think it would be best to understand how the game fully operates before passing judgment on whether the fireteam size will work or not. So just to be clear...this post is for people who have thoughts on why Bungie went this direction. I'd be particularly interested in hearing some ideas from people with military experience.
Three is large enough to take down the fallen and small enough to sneak past an army with no confusion