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Edited by Recon Number 54: 6/12/2013 10:51:31 PM

Let's face it, guys: Mass Effect 2 wasn't very good.

I'm not saying it was *terrible* but think about it: -terrible color palette range -side quests that lacked voice acting, dialogue options, choice -simple, linear cities with very little to do -the removal of inventory (not that ME1 had a good system, but it wasn't unfixable) -the complete lack of a plot (you need to invade a homeworld, so you recruit 12 ground troops? why? and then you just blow up a base and it ends? what? what did we accomplish?) -goofy, po­rno-quality romances with awkward animations -complete segregation of gameplay and story (the combat and dialogue can only occur in the designated "combat" and "dialogue" sections) -character is required to stick entirely either to paragon or renegade choices in order to save the whole team. -antagonist has all the depth of Dr. Claw -nonsensical ret-conning of lore in order to hastily justify awful gameplay changes (thermal clips) -nonsensical, unexplainable technology simply to make the marketing more interesting (Shepard can be resurrected after suffocation + atmospheric reentry + impacting the surface of the planet) -terminator baby boss -a soundtrack that, while still good, has an action-movie feel rather than the utterly incredible science fiction soundtrack of ME1 Sure, the gameplay was more polished than ME1's, but it was also a lot more generic and sided more with third-person shooter elements over RPG elements. On the whole the game was a regression from ME1 that took away more than it added.

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  • Edited by BerzerkCommando: 6/13/2013 12:29:44 AM
    I didn't care for it either. I haven't played it in awhile, but here are the things I remember about it. -They removed the disc grenades. -You have less armors than the first game. -They removed armor upgrades. -They removed weapon upgrades. -The Citadel was disappointing. That cut scene of the upper area is just one big -blam!- you. -They got ride of exploration. In ME1 you can go to planets to collect resources and side quest. In ME@ you just send a probe to do the most boring mining thing ever. That's being really creative. -They got ride of the elevators. It was pointless gameplay wise, but you learned things about the characters and it was fun hearing them talk. They should have just gave the option to skip them instead of removing them.

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