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6/6/2013 4:44:45 AM

You have a fist-sized sharp rock.

And you have to face one of the following in combat in its native environment: Nile Crocodile Tiger Polar bear Kodiak bear Komodo Dragon Jaguar Lion Hyena pack of 3 Gray Wolf pack of 3 King Cobra Anaconda Burmese Python This will be a fight to the death. You cannot scare them off or run away. When I say native environment, I mean you fight the crocodile on a riverbank, the Anaconda in a muddy swamp, the polar bear on a snowy plain, etc. Bear in mind not only your probability of victory in the encounter, but how painful it will be if you lose.

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  • I'll sneak up behind the Anaconda and then pummel it.

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  • I would be dead in every situation.

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  • I'd probably fight the snakes when they sleep (if they sleep) cause it'll be easier to crush their skull or something. A bear would clobber me if it's not hibernating. A jaguar/lion/tiger/crocodile/hyena/wolf would just eat me. If the big snakes are going to eat me whole, it would be *possible* to gut it on the way into it's stomach. But let's be real, there's no way I could *actually* take on any of those.

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  • Komodo Dragon, just throw the rock at it and, BAM, I'm the winner!!

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  • Polar Bear, Global Warming would be on my side When fighting it i would do back side kicks/Roundhouse kicks on it and mash it's head with the rock when it is near If i win, i am making myself a polar bear coat If i die, i'll die knowing I fought the animal on coke cans

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    • Python, I'd wait for it to try and crush me then go for rock smash as it got close. Probably wouldn't win, but hey. [i]Be Brave[/i].

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    • Edited by SuperIrish: 6/6/2013 4:04:27 PM
      One of the snakes (except the python, I prefer not to die by strangulation) Grab it's tail, and whack it on the floor, repeating if neccesary. Might not even need the rock.

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      • A tiger.

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        • Ill take on the BUrmese python, got a pet one so i know how to handle the bastards

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        • Anaconda for sure.

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          • Python. Gut that mofo.

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          • I would choose the Anaconda. While it is strong, and can strike, I have a plan. Horizontally point my forearm at it, and allow it to strike and bite my forearm. While this will hurt, a lot, it will be right where I want it. See, its teeth are like hooks, and when it bites my arm, it is stuck there. It cant let go because its teeth arent shaped for that. Then, with its head close to me, and its bite already done, I will use the rock to bash ets fookn hed in i swer on me mum.

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            • King cobra

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            • Edited by IslocStarkiller: 6/6/2013 3:54:05 PM
              I'll take the wolves. I think if I fill myself with pure aggression, they will be more reluctant to strike, letting me take the offensive and be able to kill them swiftly one at a time.

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            • Yea I'd have to go with the croc. It would be pretty straight forward after you get on top of it. You could the proceed to be the snot out of it, feast on it's corpse and make a satchel.

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            • I really like these kinds of threads. It's hard to say which animal I'd choose. However, given that the animal has every advantage imaginable, I think with certain animals in this list, rather than having a sharp rock we should have a combat knife or something. A tiger vs me with a loose rock that probably has no grip to it is pushing it lol. I'd probably go with Hyenas. Really can't say though.

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              • I think I would take on the Burmese python. Even if I can't reach his head I can still use the rock to sever his spine.

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              • Can I fight one of the many exotic (And totally deadly!) creatures that live here in New Zealand?

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                3 Replies
                • Toss up between the Croc and the Wolf Pack. -Croc will be easier to slay if I get it to shore. Especially because Croc's try to use patience as a strategy and don't move too much during a fight. As someone said, just get on top it and go to town on that guy. -Wolf Pack isn't too bad, theyre just dogs and they dont really have claws so its just their bite to beware of. Plus if you nail the crap out of one this can most likely scare the other 2 off. Why are people choosing the snakes? Does no one realize they're super quick when it comes to striking and biting you? You'd be out in less than a minute.

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                  • Provided it's on a riverbank and not in a river, the crocodile. Their maneuverability on land is pretty limited and if I keep away from it's jaws then it has no other means of defence/attack, I just have to get behind it and the game's over. If not then probably the cobra, if I keep my distance I can just throw the rock at it and bludgeon it to death. Honestly those two and the komodo dragon are the only ones a human would have any chance against, anyone saying they'd fight an anaconda or burmese forgets that they have been known to kill deers, boar and other animals much physically stronger and agile than humans.

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                  • OP has already given us way more than we need to succeed.

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                  • Burmese Python, assuming the rock is sharp enough, I could step on it's neck, and butcher it with the rock.

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                  • Edited by Oneironaut: 6/6/2013 6:40:09 AM
                    The only one's someone could stand a chance against are the reptiles, minus the Cobra and Dragon. Edit: I used to wrestle my dogs, so I think I might stand a chance against the wolves, maybe even the hyenas.

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                    5 Replies
                    • This thread is GREAT. Do you understand why humans are one the top of the food chain? Because we fought in groups with tools, and stayed the -blam!- away from terrain where we had the disadvantage to hunt in. A large adult anaconda will murder you. It will snatch your ass up, and regurgitate you a few hours later because -blam!- you that's why. A king cobra is probably the most dangerous, yet the easiest thing to kill on this list. Just throw the rock at it. If you miss it will roll some distance away, making it feasible for you to pick up. And if it strikes it will injure or kill it. Wolves will merc you. A bear will merc you. A croc will merky water merc you..etc

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                      • Komodo dragon. 1. They're the smallest of the choices, except the king cobra. 2. They're not normally aggressive to humans. 3. They're primarily scavengers, so they rarely go after live prey. 4. They don't normally sustain an attack, instead they go in for a quick bite to poison their prey and wait until they die of infection. 5. Their poison is slow acting taking hours or days to incapacitate or kill, which means I can continue to fight back if bitten. 6. There are a lot of low-ish trees on the Island of Komodo, which I could climb to escape since adults can't follow. Then I could jump down on its back and bash its head in.

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                      • Edited by Inyaccurate: 6/6/2013 6:50:39 AM
                        EDIT: Since King Cobras don't spit like other cobras, I would probably take that one. Less dangerous. I would just throw the rock at it, but no promises of that working.

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