originally posted in:Art and Stuff
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Hi everybody!
Since I got all of your attention by now (probably, cause you're reading this, right?) I just wanted to introduce myself in a few short sentences.
My name is Silvano.
I'm a 23 year old student in graphic designs.
Currently I'm living and studying near Cologne, Germany.
So, I saw that Destiny-Facebook-post and just thought to myself: geez, why not give it a shot. I'm not that familiar with digital painting yet. Well, I got my Adobe Creative Suite for almost a year now (lazy me), but I'm more into traditional art and by that I mean pen and paper.
Yeah, uhm alright then. Thought I just upload it here for you, before actually mailing it to Bungie. Hope you guys like it and if any questions come up, just go ahead and ask me. I'll do my best to answer you with my lousy school-english.
I like it, and while I'm not sure what is exactly happening it gave me the sense of the dance band on the Titanic...dammit still got that Harry Chapin song stuck in my head. But it seems as if those depicted here are fighting even after the battle is lost, standing on the rubble of what they once defended, yet with no sign of despair as if there is always hope.