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originally posted in:Secular Sevens
5/1/2013 3:48:38 AM

Conservatives Less Likely To Purchase Light Bulbs Labelled "Environmentally Friendly"

[quote]This research demonstrates how promoting the environment can negatively affect adoption of energy efficiency in the United States because of the political polarization surrounding environmental issues. Study 1 demonstrated that more politically conservative individuals were less in favor of investment in energy-efficient technology than were those who were more politically liberal. This finding was driven primarily by the lessened psychological value that more conservative individuals placed on reducing carbon emissions. Study 2 showed that this difference has consequences: [u]In a real-choice context, more conservative individuals were less likely to purchase a more expensive energy-efficient light bulb when it was labeled with an environmental message than when it was unlabeled[/u]. These results highlight the importance of taking into account psychological value-based considerations in the individual adoption of energy-efficient technology in the United States and beyond.[/quote] Lol @ conservatives. Malevolent pricks.

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  • Hmm, I need a new lightbulb. Let's see, I can get a 5 pack for a buck or one CFL for three bucks. Here's my theory. Pretty much since Y2K, we've been hearing tons and tons of "doomsday" stuff, from "we're out of oil by 2007" to "Planet X is going to smash into us on Dec 21, 2012". I think it's just gotten to the point where some people have just tuned out all the "Earth is doomed" and "save the planet" stuff we hear practically every day. I think it's more along the line of "should I buy a bag of Lays or the superhealthy gluten free chips? Ah, -blam!- it, the Lays aren't going to kill me, and they're cheaper."

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    13 Replies
    • [quote]using a lightbulb with elemental mercury in it[/quote] Lol @ environmentalists. Malevolent pricks.

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    • No surprise here; most of them are concerned with the afterlife than real life.

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    • Should've left it at that.

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    • So you want me to buy a $10 light bulb when I can get a pack of 6 for $5?

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    • Edited by Ric_Adbur: 5/2/2013 2:27:04 AM
      "They are bad people" is too easy a conclusion to arrive at. Instead of dismissing them as evil, why don't we try to understand why they make the decisions they do? Otherwise, we'll never accomplish anything but more of the same situation we're in now; two sides who disagree yelling past each other while the country crumbles around them. In any situation where disagreement engenders such vitriol as this, someone has to suck it up and "be the bigger man" as it were. Otherwise the situation will never be resolved.

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      26 Replies
      • I love how liberals like to always blame Conservatives for blaming liberals.

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        • Wow, [b]WHO GIVES A -blam!-?[/b] ¡Tu -blam!-!

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        • I really needed a laugh like this, my parents are hardcore conservatives, racially profiled one of my best friends from high school as we came back to my house pre destiny launch.

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        • Watch out guys, your light bulb purchases might influence your political stand.

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          • Me changing one lightbulb to an energy saving bulb is but a drop in the ocean. Tell Vegas to turn their lights off for a night and you'll save more energy that I would in my entire life of using energy saving bulbs.

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            • Because liberals are used to blasting through money that other people give them.

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              • I was taking you seriously until you said, 'malevolent pricks'. Especially on something so small and dumb. I'm pretty sure that conservatives just take the cheaper lightbulbs, which aren't 'environmentally friendly'.

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                • NewRadical, I am going to give you a hug since I feel bad for you. So many people in this thread have either completely ignored your post but responded anyone or failed in reading comprehension.

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                • This thread is a joke.

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                  17 Replies
                  • I love how someone can possibly correlate these two things.

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                    2 Replies
                    • Edited by Circadian Wolf: 5/2/2013 9:43:11 AM
                      "Hey look, something that will help save the planet and lower my electricity bill! -blam!- that I'm not buying it." -Flawless logic <(-_-)> Also anyone find it ironic how "conservatives" are the ones being less conservative.

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                    • What kind of 'energy efficient' bulbs are we talking about? If they're talking about CFL's , I'd do the same things. The things are a bastard to dispose or properly, and given the amount of people whom i doubt properly dispose of them, I'm pretty sure that thousands of them end up in a landfill, and end up releasing mercury vapor into the environment. LED lights on the other hand, are awesome, except for their outrageous price. $9 for a single bulb? To hell with that.

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                    • Excuse me for being too busy to wait for my $25 lightbulb to illuminate the stairway when I can just flip on the $0.50 incandescent, head downstairs, flip it off again, and go to work.

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                      • Environmental friendliness is only part of the reason I buy more energy-efficient lights. The other factor is money. The longer lasting lights have lower overall cost. It's pretty basic stuff.

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                      • I don't buy them because CFL's have Mercury in them and that is dangerous to the environment and people. Just Kidding. I bought an LED bulb before, it's nice but I couldn't buy $30 bulbs for my whole house. Well I could but it would be about $1,300...

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                      • Yeah, they are environmentally friendly and save energy. Until they break and release mercury. That is why I don't buy them. Also, areas with access to better education tend to vote conservative, so they probably know this.

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                        5 Replies
                        • Theyre actually less environmentally friendly because they are harder to recycle. Thats why I dont buy them. You prick. Get educated.

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                          9 Replies
                          • Interesting facts about the study (one experiment): [quote]- 210 participants, all from a US university - 61% female - Aged from 18 - 66, mean = 22.36 - They were each given $2 to buy a bulb - They could choose between an incandescent and compact fluorescent light - In one condition both bulbs were $0.50, in the other, the CFL bulb was more expensive ($1.50 to $0.50) - The CFL bulb had a "Protect the Environment" sticker, which varied according to the conditions of the experiment a participant was assigned to - Each package contained identical information - The CFL bulb is superior in terms of function, savings, and environmental benefit - Purchase was expressive of a participants values when the sticker had the message - When the bulbs had the same price, the sticker had no effect - When the CFL bulb was 3x more expensive, environmental salience influenced choice differently based on political ideology - Moderates and conservatives were deterred from purchasing the CFL bulb with the sticker when the bulb was 3x more expensive - Results show that the more moderate and conservative participants preferred to bear a long-term financial cost to avoid purchasing an item associated with valuing environmental protection[/quote]

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                            12 Replies
                            • Edited by RighteousTyrant: 5/1/2013 9:40:41 PM
                              It's also worth noting here: Disliking the environmental movement or environmentalists generally =/= disliking the environment itself You'd probably get the same result if the sticker was blue and said "democracy" on it. They associate it with a political ideology that they are opposed to, and this influences their choice.

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