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Edited by TopWargamer: 4/25/2013 8:30:31 PM

Ok, let's discuss the Nextbox and the bull crap that surrounds it

For those of you haven't read the IGN article yet, [url=]here it is[/url]. From here on out, everything is IN MY OPINION. So take what you want from this thread. [b][u]PROS:[/u][/b] [quote][b]1) No entertainment console.[/b] There should only be the 1 console in a new generation. An "entertainment Xbox" would basically be an "Xbox TV." Why would I pay $300 (rumored price) for an "Xbox TV" when I can just buy a Roku, Apple TV, or Google TV, which are all $100 or less.[/quote] [quote][b]2) Blu-Ray.[/b][/quote] [quote][b]3) Operating system is a core version of Windows 8.[/b] What this will do is tie both the Nextbox and your Windows 8 PC together. Now what will Microsoft do with this? I dunno.[/quote] [quote][b]4) November 2013 release.[/b][/quote] [b][u]CONS:[/u][/b] [quote][b]1) Always-on connection.[/b] I know that to SOME of you guys this isn't a big deal, but it's a MUCH bigger deal than you think. It's much more than not being able to play on your Nextbox without connection. Now, let me dive deeper into that part right there. No apps, no games, no nothing can be launched from the Nextbox without an internet connection, rendering the console absolutely useless with internet. Now what else will always-on connection do? It will greatly DECREASE the longevity of the console, which IMO, is probably my biggest concern. Now how will it decrease it's longevity you might ask? Well let me put this way. 3 years ago this month, Xbox LIVE for the Original Xbox was shut down. You can still play Original Xbox games on there no problem, but you can't play any multiplayer. Eventually the same thing will happen with the Xbox 360. [b]When[/b] this happens to the Nextbox, no matter how long the line that will be, your console will be 100% useless and worth absolutely nothing. Why? Well, since you needed internet to connect to Xbox LIVE so you can play your games, launch apps, etc., well...without Xbox LIVE support, you can't do any of that. So when the Nextbox "dies", it really is dead, unlike previous console. Congrats! You now have have an over-priced paper-weight, which bring me to my next point.[/quote] [quote][b]2) $500 starting price point.[/b] The Xbox 360, for example, had a launch price of $400 (or somewhere around there) and the PS2, for example, had a launch price of $300, the PS3, for example had a launch price of $600. Both the Xbox 360 and the PS2 had very successful launches and were/are awesome consoles. The PS3 IS in fact an awesome console as well, but it did not have quite the nice launch as its predecessor. Few people bought the PS3 because it was so expensive at launch, and yes the Nextbox is $100 LESS than the PS3 launch price, but still, that's $500, and I suspect the same thing that happened with the PS3 will happen again, but only this time with the Nextbox.[/quote] [quote][b]3) Not backwards compatible.[/b] I fail to see why they can't add this in. And for the people saying "Oh, it's because the Nextbox will run an x86 based CPU whereas the Xbox 360 ran an ARM-based CPU" your argument is invalid. The Original Xbox had an x86 CPU (in fact it was a toned-down Pentium 4 used in the Original Xbox), and when the Xbox 360 came around, it could run Original Xbox games just fine. So why aren't we getting backwards compatibility now? This part also applies to the PS4.[/quote] [quote][b]4) Xbox LIVE subscription to make a return.[/b] thanks.[/quote] So if you read all of that, thank you for reading my OPINIONS. What are your opinions and thoughts on the Nextbox?

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  • Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that was an OFFICIAL announcement of the console's details and not just some more rumors. But sure, let's take rumors and go crazy over them.

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