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2/16/2013 12:33:57 AM

Childhood memories and Great Games

What are your favorite games that you played when you were younger? Why were they fun? What memories did they create? For myself, my first game was in the Pokemon series. I had played Pokemon Silver, and it was a blast. I loved having newer Pokemon from the originals, and then I loved when I found out that you can go to the Kanto region later in the game. Another game I loved to play was Ty the Tasmanian Tiger. Which I had gotten into playing from a friend. I loved the open world aspect that game had, it led to a variety of ways to play the game, as well as mess around. I also enjoyed games from the Legend of Zelda series. Later on I got into playing Halo. It was a great adventure because the Sci-fi aspect was similar to the Fantasy aspect I loved seeinig in games and movies. I enjoyed the large scale world the game had to offer. From it countless memories have developed through both playing with friends and by my self. Let me hear your stories (and if you want, recommend some games to me, i would love to play 'em).

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  • Edited by Milk: 2/16/2013 1:07:53 AM
    Stories? Nah. Games that flood me with great memories? Okay. Smash Bros. Mario Party games. Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, and Crystal. Mortal Kombat. Donkey Kong Country 1 & 2. Super Mario Bros 1, 2, and 3. Mario 64. Super Mario World 1 & 2. Yoshi's Island. Conker's Bad Fur Day. Super Mario Sunshine. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask. Star Fox 64. Banjo-Kazooie. Mario Kart. Star Wars Shadows of The Empire. Wave Race. Rampage. NFL Blitz 2001. F-Zero X. Star Wars Episode 1 Racer. Gex 64. 1080. Kirby Adventures. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Smash TV. Ninja Turltes. This list will be nearly doubled if I include the gamecube, so I won't (excluding Mario Sunshine).

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