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Edited by MoonDawg: 7/22/2014 4:04:33 PM

You wanted feedback? Alright you got it; Bungie.NEXT beta

[u][b]YEAH FEEDBACK THREAD![/b][/u] Alright, here we are, nearly 8 year member here. I've been through a couple cycles of changing it's life-form. Here are my initial thoughts. [i]For the purpose of this thread, I will devise new changes I will comment on into three categories: [b](1) Love it, (2) Adjust it, (3) Scrap it.[/b] Lets start with the basics. [/i] [u]The Front Page - [b]Love it[/b][/u] [quote]The front page organizes content into "panels" which allows for easy visibility. I love the categories of "blog", "social" and "Community join up!". Since you made the switch to have a "main image" on the front page, it looks awesome. [/quote] [u]White as Background - [b]Love it?[/b][/u] [quote]I personally don't mind it. I know it's a huge change for us that frequent around here, but it's much easier to read. At night, I can see myself sometimes restraining, but then I'll just invert the colors. I'm indifferent about the white. If it's to stay or be changed back, it wouldn't matter much to me.[/quote] [quote][u]Profile Options - [b]Adjust it[/b][/u] [quote]What has been done here ties into each pro and con category. I'm sure there are reasons we don't know beyond each one, here are my general thoughts.[/quote] [quote][b]Love it[/b] > Name Changing > Keeping "Halo" game avatars > Keeping "Banners" for profile customization > Multiple ways of "Signing in" > Privacy Options > Muting Users/Ignore Button[/quote] [quote][b]Adjust it[/b] > The way your "motto" is displayed. I was able to put a few links as outlets to other websites that I frequently use. You have VERY limited space in the amount you can put. Don't ever have "visible" signatures on the forums, but the "About Me" box in the previous bnet, was great. > Seeing a players gamertag. With multiple ways to sign in, is there a way to view someone's gamertag, unless it's hidden from their personal preference, by default? > Post History, what happened to it? I am currently not able to look at my previous posts and go back to them. Am I doing something wrong? >Ban/Warning History. Just like the last build, I feel that others enjoyed having this to keep track of how much time since their last infraction.[/quote][/quote] [quote][u]Forum/Thread Layout - [b]Adjust it[/b][/u] [quote]I like the hashtag system. However, for the common user I feel this system is EXTREMELY CONFUSING. Yes, our genertion is turning into a filter one where we only want to see content we like, but there should be more obvious ways that users will understand. [i]Here are my propositions[/i]:[/quote] [b]Official Hastags should have forum banners.[/b] [quote]Let me say that again. "Official tags" as deemed by the webteam [url=]from this page,[/url] should have forum banners so users know where "home" is. Right now there are no public banners. Users feel lost, unsure of where to find their content once they post it. If you have the banners like the Community Forum Banner or Flood Forum Banner, users will feel a home to where they prefer posting. [b]Notice that this is only for "official" hashtags.[/b] Imagine the potential: -Bungie Day Banner -Bungie Christmas Banner -April Fool's Day Banner -Bungie Pentathlon Banner -Literally, anything you want as a banner, just post it as an "official" hashtag and make a banner for it. People will flock to it.[/quote] [b]Threads should have ascending/descending sort option[/b] [quote]I personally don't like the way threads are organized currently with the newest reply first. I read threads from top to bottom in chronological order, not back to front. Giving the option to users for either way, will give them preference, which is not a bad thing.[/quote] [b]Where is my preview button!?[/b] [quote]For making mega threads, such as this one and any other post, I always use this button! Bring it back, I'm sure it was missed by many![/quote] [b]Not a fan of "Infinite Scrolling"[/b] [quote]I like pages. It gives conclusion to a page. It's easier to find where a user posts. Can you imagine finding a particular post in the FAQ on Member Titles/Bar Colors/etc with infinite scrolling?[/quote] [b]User Identity - We need something[/b] [quote]I understand from the front page that all the bells and whistles aren't currently implemented for the beta. But I would like to reiterate that there needs to be SOMETHING to distinguish users post. > [b]Employees NEED to stand out. [/b] > [b]Ninjas NEED to stand out. [/b] > [b]For members, it's just a matter of clarity. [/b]Having titles bars in the previous version was great. If there is something in the works, awesome. It gives users a "conclusion" to each users post. >[b] AVATARS NEED TO BE BIGGER;[/b] 90x90 was great. I'm not sure what they're running in now, there is a ton of unused space on thread pages. Just seems unnecessary. Going back to original avatar sizes would help.[/quote][/quote] [u][b]*Quick things to note on: [/b][/u] [quote][u]Saved Threads - [b]Adjust it[/b][/u] What happened to my saved threads? Are they all deleted? I loved save threads! I want it back! Is the "like" function suppose to organize all your "liked" posts and serve in the same function? [u]Posting Pictures/Embedded Videos - [b]Love it[/b][/u] Love these new additions. I also love the fact that there is a warning before you open the link. Don't want to see it? Don't click it. Simple [u]"Share related topic" button - [b]Scrap it[/b][/u] Pointless. Aren't we trying to keep smaller threads with bigger threads? Repeat topics? I understand that a meta discussion could arise, but I feel this will get rare use. It will be a button I won't ever use. [u]Hide Button - [b]Love it[/b][/u] Probably one of the best features implemented. I get instant gratification to eliminate a user's post and they aren't even notified. Awesome. [u]Notifications - [b]Love it[/b][/u] I love the function and how it currently works. Clean and simple. Although occasionally it highlights up randomly and won't go off. Sign out/in and it fixes it. [u]Posting Tags - [b]Love it[/b][/u] In the previous version I used a script that would allow these functions. Now that they're integrated into the new build, even better. Welcome to 2006! [u]Follower/Following Users - [b]Love it[/b][/u] Maybe it's just me, but I like seeing what my friends are up to. It's completely customizable. If you don't care to see what folks are up too, don't use it. Hell, you even have the option to turn off your notifications for your convenience. [u]"Edit Post Stamp" Cleaned up - [b]Love it[/b][/u] It was a pain from the last version to see that simple "edited post on X:X:XXXX etc, thank you for fixing this as Hylebos has pointed out. Much cleaner. [/quote] Please understand that this is my own personal reflection from using these forums and other forums over the years. Take everything with a grain of salt. Feel free to discuss any points that I have brought forward. Please note that this isn't my ENTIRE LIST of things to address. I will add more over time. I haven't even mentioned private group's yet.

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