originally posted in:The Bird People
stupid and catered to 8 yr olds. bungie is going to die like jagex.
I concur
Don't be so hasty, we've yet to see the full potential.
I don't get it. Bungie and Jagex arent even comparable.
Go here then http://www.bungie.net/en-us/View/community/Groups/Detail?groupId=19291
Now there's a stretch of imagination. If it's so close to Runescape why can't I fight any awful, poorly textured dragons, Lemurs? [i]Hmmmmmmmm...?[/i]
Runescape's forums aren't even similar to Bungie's forums.
runescape is badass
Except runescape was only good in p2p. Oh god. What if Bungie makes bungie.net pay to use..
you mean like twitter, rite because we're not playing an mmo
The casuals and Call of Duty obviously had a hand on this.
I hate to break it to ya, buddy, but Jagex is actually doing very well for themselves...