Rarely explained, lots of immune shields and timers and endless respawns,
Whatever happened to the joy of running around killing stuff and the fantasy of being a powerful guardian?
Devs have some crazy bad assumption that their gimmicks are all fun, no matter how tedious or unimmersive
It seems as though they have the intensity on a dial and can higher or lower it at will. Me and some clan mates decided to do a few nightfalls to get the Lotus Eater, and were annoyed when we launched to find out it wasn't the lake of shadows as advertised, but this cosmodrome battleground that none of us enjoy. The first run seemed rather easy, and in the final boss stage, we were all commenting on how much damage the synaptic spears were doing, and how high we seemed to be jumping compared to normal, which made it a lot of fun and definitely more enjoyable than usual. However, as we did more runs, it was as though the difficulty was being cranked up. We had more deaths and it was taking longer with each run, and one of our teams actually thought they had launched into the highest difficulty by mistake. The fact that could swap weapons during the run proved otherwise. Anyone else encountered this fluctuation of power during this nightfall?