At this point in D2 I can’t ever begin to adequately express how garbage crucible matchmaking and balance is.
There just aren’t enough negative words that I would express to the crucible team that could EVER convey how much of a failure it is.
Shotguns need a nerf. Movement on PC vs console needs a nerf. RADIANT dance machines need a rebalance.
Freelance playlist needs to come back. IDGAF if the same 2 six stacks get tired of having to fight one another.
The PvP team is incapable of creating a balanced match. Your studio should be ashamed that *this* is the best you can do.
Oh and my most favorite experience of all: Hang in orbit after a match unable to leave matchmaking until 5 minutes go by or you give up and switch characters. And these greedy bunglers at Bungie want more preorder money? -blam!- no.