Worst experience I’ve ever had in crucible
And that’s saying something
Not a great PVP player but I can usually break even. Played on my Warlock to Platinum and went from 1.06 to 0.98. Constant teams of Void Hunters. Oh, and some cheaters too. Like the Warlock roaming the map like Superman with permanent supers. His emblem said he gone Flawless in Trials 614 times. Seems totally legit that. Hunters are way overpowered in PVP and always have been. Bungie cant change it because all the jumpy cowboy hat toting morons call for the Wahmbulance when they do. They need to take PVP out back and Ole Yeller it.
Pvp needs to die or be separated completely. It's just garbage
I just matched a full fireteam, with all solos, I instantly quit of course. It's sad and pathetic what Bungie has become. They're the laughingstock of the gaming industry. I'll never buy anything they're even remotely connected to, I can't wait to uninstall this game.
Truth is.. is that if it’s that bad and that I’m at low end… if you’re worse than me Bungie truly failed and you should find another game for PvP.
Edited by Marius: 3/14/2025 6:04:28 AMI think it’s hilarious when I get matched against a full squad and everyone is worse than I am on my team and all the sweats target me with their supers and I’m lucky to get 1.0kd. Honestly I find it flattering when a team of 4-6 makes it their goal to target me personally. My team is just meat shields for picks and I’m not even that good. Just lucky most times.
As a whole crucible is terrible right ….yesterday and today are awful for load times and then uneven teams then people getting booted …and quitting . How does anyone play crucible all day or 2-30 games ? I’m waiting to go into my third game 5 mins and counting ….ugh such a shame Bungie just letting pvp go . Like is there something I don’t know ….like Bungie going to do something or add or change or anything ?! Woohoo my game has loaded ….cross fingers 😂
Edited by ⒻⒶⒷⓄⓊⓇⒼⒺ: 3/14/2025 7:43:40 AMPvP will never be great. Its like a neverending student project
I’m sure this all bodes well for Marathon /s. 🤣
Edited by Toots238857: 3/14/2025 6:42:45 AMThe Void Hunter experience killed it for me. Going up against 6 of those is the worse idea they could've come up with. But I'm sure the Hunter mains will disagree. Each and every guardian game against hunters has been a blowout. And plenty of suspect headshots. It's like they're just throwing sht against the wall now to see what sticks. They don't care.
Edited by Demoniser: 3/14/2025 5:15:20 AMIt's full of cheats as well, especially in my Sth Pacific region. The aimbot kids are everywhere. And when it's like this, everyone bails... It's all Void Hunters using Redrix and Arc Titans camping behind shields at the back of the map. Bungie had the chance to correct this before the Games began but of course, they screwed that up too.
Absolute total garbage. Matchmaking is so bad. Radiant dance machines overpowered. It’s just a horrible experience.
Absolutely hilarious that people still defend PVP. Why is that?
In Bungie's effort to protect players that aren't that good in pvp, they end up punishing everyone.
it's complete trash. I played 10 games as a Titan, only matched vs Warlocks a single time. Playing against a full team of hunters in stealth is beyond miserable.
Yep, all of my matches ended in mercy, all my team negative kd, while the other team had players 10+ or even 20+ KD and were teleporting about the map as if using a potato for internet connection
I played a single match of it. I’m not playing another.
Its class based matchmaking so if you played as your Titan you probably matched a team of hunters with the inevitable result you described 😂