The cells are great and all, but numbers don’t add up and explosions don’t work with them.
Man, if only we had a place where we could spawn every type of enemy… (If YKYK)
Please give us a real place we can spawn any kind of enemy (Including Champions) to properly test out our weapons and abilities.
I miss the tribute hall so much.
If I recall correctly we once apon a time paid for one of them places that worked great. But, ya know? ...... Bungo
Load into control. There's a bunch of bots running back and forth on the map.
Do not Nessus anymore ?
Why do shotguns in game have such an unrealistic range?
Even if they did, they would take it away and "vault it" after a few seasons
It's insulting that Bungie just parked the Leviathan above the moon and is doing absolutely nothing with it.
Tribute Hall was their way of sucking us into using all our bright dust just before nerfing bright emgrams and bright dust drops, almost as if to promote the use of Silver instead..