Your Pvp is atrocious. I don't want to play a single game of Crucible or Gambit. In the time it took me to write this post I still haven't found a match in this trash Supremacy Guardian Games bs. Stop forcing players into your anemic, forgotten, reskinned garbage. Here's an idea, maybe LET PLAYERS PLAY THE CONTENT THEY WANT TO PLAY! WOWWW!
Pathetic company.
Edited by Marius: 3/14/2025 9:35:31 AMHow many of you are solo PvP mains? You wanna play PvP and lose? Add me. You wanna play PvP and have fun while losing? Add me. I’ve been a solo player my whole career since season of the chosen. I was the chosen. Chosen to suffer. But it’s nothing but love. I love these super sweats. I’ve been invited to super sweat clans for scrims and clans like pantheon (I’m not good enough for pantheon) although they would be blessed to have my character. You wanna run some -blam!- let’s go. Quit crying and add me we will run tomorrow I used to run with the best player on PC Sky#8816 and he even accepted me. He doesn’t play anymore but there isn’t a streamer who doesn’t fear his name. I’m not good but I learned from the absolute very best and I believe I can continue his legacy of friendship.
then play only the pve part
dont force me to play pve to get higher light gear then :D.
I second this. Forcing pvp is very different from forcing pve. Supremacy is a blowout every single match. It is absolutely garbage.
You don’t have to do it. Don’t play all the game, don’t get all the rewards.
Bungie could make it so every player got every single reward for logging in twice and you guys would complain about having to log in more than once. If you want all the rewards, you have to play all of the game.
Absolutely botted take
You don’t have to play PvP so it’s just untrue but nice name I like the wu tang reference
No one is forcing you to play PvP. You don’t have to have your plat crest on your shoulder but yeah you get some solid loot to shard for cores.
Edited by cryptic_king_241: 3/13/2025 11:43:18 AMIt's an american company's game. It's 3:40-8:40 am. It took years before bungie allowed the day one rewards to be extended to 48 hours so the east could have a chance to get them. Bungie appreciates whatever money you've spent on them. You should be more grateful lol
It's nothing but an algorithm. Blowout for 1 side every match, every mode.
id say remove PvP from the game all together.....if they cant learn to balance anything or deal with the super space magic users.....then they shouldn't even try and just remove it.
It's a tale as old as time really. There are catalysts for older exotics I still haven't finished cause they require PVP and a lot of other things I haven't finished as a result. They have eased off in some respects but even then they have still screwed up in some form or another like when Pathfinders were first introduced, they made the dumb decision to mix both PVE and PVP nodes together. They have since rectified that but seems they still can't kick their 'let's force people into playing modes they don't want to' habit. Especially in a game that is known for hackers in PVP they somehow think this is a good idea.
Agree… and supremacy as well
Edited by Black-Star_32: 3/13/2025 9:38:39 PMI totally agree given the major hacking going on by Xbox player mostly. I say we start a known hacker registry with platform name and platform, so player can choose to leave the game if these player are encountered in a match. Just refuse to play. Maybe a better idea is this, since teams that cheat tend to end in mercy games, I say all winning teams in a mercy game get zero rewards and reputation, and the losing team gets double rewards and reputation for having to put up with the abuse. That or allow a vote to kick option against players on the opposite team, up two, two players per game with over half the team needing to vote. Since Bungie refusal to police the game probably, we need tools to encourage fair play. A kicked person would still get a game completion and rewards/reputation, they would just be removed with a message, kicked by opponents, because of suspicion activity.
Edited by LadyGaladriel: 3/14/2025 2:44:39 AMI agree with you. PVP is atrocious. And yes, it's Bungie's practice to require players to participate in the least liked playlists or activities for achievements completion. It's how they try to force you to play things nobody wants to play. And that suck*s. That being said I'll tell you a little secret that, if you have being playing long enough, should be no secret at all. Unfortunately Bungie don't care about our rants. The game, as it is, is just as they intend it to be. Coming here and writing posts won't change a thing, either. I doubt anyone at Bungie reads our posts or cares. As for the other ppl you find on this forum, it's mostly bitter, unfriendly, self-entitled, wallet-gamers, and toxic Bungie fans, who will defend whatever BS Bungie throws at them no matter what. So you will find little sympathy here. So if I may give you a piece of advice, do yourself a favor, save your time for something more useful and rewarding in your life. And if you still wish to play this game and have a little fun, I'd suggest you ignore achievements, titles, quests, and such completely. They are a waste of time, a chore, a hamster wheel, and a way to make you play the way Bungie wants you to play. Don't fall for it.
Especially when pvp is a.garbage fire with fire fighters using squirter guns.
You can get all level of medals in PVE events lol
[quote] Stop forcing players into your anemic, forgotten, reskinned garbage.[/quote] If that's your complaint, bad news for ya, welcome to destiny 2.
You're not you when you're hungry. Try a Snickers bar.
Edited by TwinStripe9070: 3/13/2025 3:38:37 PMYou don't actually need to do it. There are 16 challenges, only one is specific to Supremacy and you only need to complete 15 for the title. The other 'Crucible' related challenge can be completed solo in a private match running Zone Control with a 5 minute, 25 score limit - just run around, capture all the zones and you're out in a couple of minutes. Do that 6 times, challenge completed. As for the rest, the biggest pain right now is the 'class-based matchmaking', which for some reason takes 4 times longer than the normal version, but everything else in the event, from cards to bounties can be completed without touching any other element of PvP bar the method I posted (and nothing says 'I don't want to play your PvP' like 'not playing their PvP')
I like pvp in this game… You’re entitled to your opinion so are others.
[quote]Your Pvp is atrocious. I don't want to play a single game of Crucible or Gambit. In the time it took me to write this post I still haven't found a match in this trash Supremacy Guardian Games bs. Stop forcing players into your anemic, forgotten, reskinned garbage. Here's an idea, maybe LET PLAYERS PLAY THE CONTENT THEY WANT TO PLAY! WOWWW! Pathetic company.[/quote] Players aren't forced. Guess what? you can play what you want to play. Everything has requirements though.
Wahhh, Crucible enemies fight back Anxiety !
It’s good. Gives us more pve burgers to farm. Plus it’s part of the game too
PVP players are forced to do PVE for certain weapons so why shouldn’t it work the other way around?