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3/13/2025 3:34:36 AM

Battlegrounds were never intended to be GM level content

This crap has to stop or change. Using a mode/map that was designed at a different time for different reasons as a GM is just ignorant. The current GM was not designed or even thought of to be a GM conversion. Enemies are damn near out of range at the start but can still one shot you across the map. Barrier servitors hiding behind walls yet you cant get any angle to take a shot and if you do it runs away.,...oh and go figure the 1 shot snipers, all 9 of them in 2 spots continuously respawn. All this bs going on and you now have a mech with enough HP to eat 3 supers and all the heavy and still stand there. Bell encounter are you f'ing kidding me? A room with nowhere to hide and adds spawning in huge mobs with huge HP pools and they are literally in your lap. Remember a GM is about NEVER getting hit as everything 1 or 2 shots you. Last boss is an even bigger joke. Nothing like a super boss phase where they can use infinite supers that can blow you off a map even if behind cover. Add in a touch of the never ending no better ideas of everything is a turret in disguise and fires without end using splash damage just makes this the least fun thing to do on this planet. Also lovely adds that can lob a grenade across the map off 2 walls and land in your lap all while all this is going on. The Battlegrounds are NOT GM's and need to be totally spun around with add density, locations and spawn rates at a minimum. This is why people are dumping this game in droves, there is no fun left in anything in it. All just a grueling slog of bs. I swear these devs absolutely hate the people that play this game. Seems most of these dumb ideas are intentional solely done to make all of us miserable.

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  • Edited by xbroggiex: 3/14/2025 12:22:26 PM
    After playing it a few times this season its dreadfully boring and very clearly not designed for GM difficulty as the areas just aren't designed around the tankier enemies and some enemies like the brig or especially the Savathun clones taking a billion hits to die is ridiculous and clearly not play tested for what would be fun.

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  • Battlegrounds are fine. The Savathun projections could do with a health reduction but otherwise it's all okay. The only thing that really separates Battlegrounds from regular Strikes is infinitely-spawning enemies. Part of good GM planning is knowing what enemies will spawn and where, at certain boss health thresholds. This doesn't really add much difficulty to the Battlegrounds, but it can be frustrating when Champions spawn forever and not killing the latest set costs you Platinum.

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  • Most Gms are a joke. I do admit that this battleground is not my favorite but with a solid team it takes between 22-26 minutes. I just don't like the Savathun mechanic.

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    • Edited by Althanash: 3/13/2025 7:38:59 PM
      "Enemies are damn near out of range at the start but can still one shot you across the map. Barrier servitors hiding behind walls yet you cant get any angle to take a shot and if you do it runs away.,...oh and go figure the 1 shot snipers, all 9 of them in 2 spots continuously respawn" Close the gap and stop standing still. "Barrier servitors hiding behind walls yet you cant get any angle to take a shot and if you do it runs away.,...oh and go figure the 1 shot snipers, all 9 of them in 2 spots continuously respawn." Freeze them / suspend them / rocket side arm them / Arbalest them "Bell encounter are you f'ing kidding me? A room with nowhere to hide and adds spawning in huge mobs with huge HP pools and they are literally in your lap" Enter the bell room go to the left like you're heading for next encounter, to the right is a somewhat decent hiding spot. Not a perfect spot to hide. But best spot in that room. You gotta go there during spawn ins or you're pinned down for a while. When enemies spawn by that location (I believe it's Barrier knights and trash mobs). Pour it on an kill them all. "Nothing like a super boss phase where they can use infinite supers that can blow you off a map even if behind cover" Add control is your best friend here. Keep the adds low as possible and use available cover during Savathuns Phases and you'll be good to go. As for it being a hard GM..........there's been worse times for GMs....... Anyone remember Garden World? Edit: Nice to return to the swathe of downvoting.........and you wonder why no one wants to teach anyone anymore x)

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      29 Replies
      • Most players agree with you. Don't listen to the fan boys that defend every stupid thing Bungie does. There is a good video from Mactic that goes into great detail on making this a more doable GM. The problem is that the game has been in such a bad state that most clans are dead. This leaves fireteam finder or lfg to put a team together. It'-blam!- or miss getting a competent fireteam together, so many people don't want to use comms because of the toxicity that's prevalent in the D2 community. I stopped raiding because of the bad apples I seemed to keep running into and pretty much don't do GM's unless I can get friends together. I feel your frustration and don't understand how Bungie is so obtuse. I just completed 5 nfo and no sidearm, so much for double rewards.

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        3 Replies
        • I remember this battleground GM. We used an invis hunter to move the payload and stop adds from spawning. As for the add density? Things that can build up AoE like scorch and destabilising can destroy groups of adds in seconds Is it a hard GM? Yes Is it impossible? No Is it for the 1%? No Good luck

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        • They hear you and maybe in 3 years time they will propose a new idea, in another year after that they might drop a dev stream and 6 months after that actually make a change. Its the Bungie way. Any slower with fixes, changes, innovations and the game would be regressing instead of evolving.

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        • Edited by Wallace, Kell of Cheese: 3/13/2025 6:37:43 PM
          Wallace, Kell of Cheese
          Wallace, Kell of Cheese

          I like cheese. - old

          Bungo doesn't care. Complaining here does nothing, they don't listen to the community.

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          • they are not meant to be fought, just meant to be cheesed.

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            • 0
              This topic to me sounds like a skill issue bro

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            • Edited by Ray: 3/13/2025 3:58:20 PM
              I love how yall say “BGs weren’t designed to be GMs” when they were [b][i][u]LITERALLY DESIGNED TO BE A GM[/u][/i][/b] lol

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              24 Replies
              • because this game is for streamers and 1% of sweaty players! they always cried that the game is easy, oh, all the content you paid for is available to everyone! but what about flex? oh, craft needs to be removed, because there is no joy from getting a random godroll anymore... people who are stuck in the time when d1 came out and streamers who make money and still say that d2 is great... yes, it was before!!! numbers don't lie, the game is dying slowly and tediously... a pathetic likeness and imitation of what d2 once was!

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                1 Reply
                • The fact that most people's response boils down to "just cheese it, bro" should be indicative of a major balancing issue. That's just my opinion, though.

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                • Battlegrounds were shallow & tired content when they released as seasonal activities. Adding them to the strikes playlist was a horrible decision.

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                  2 Replies
                  • Edited by Toots238857: 3/14/2025 4:22:25 AM
                    I hate running it even as a NORMAL Nightfall! Lol!! It's just horrible. The two Savathun clones at end are just overkill. Along with ads.

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                  • Between the infinite ad spawn, traps which were meant to be bypassed with seasonal bonuses and kill box encounter spaces. It's obvious bungie didn't think this through, especially now that banes are in the game.

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                    14 Replies
                    • I dislike it, not because it’s too hard, but because of the design. Not a smooth flow, more like 3 different arenas with many waves of ad spawns. Most of all, as for moon psyops, I hate having to fight Savathun, not fun for me. The last thing I hate, getting wiped by one shield throw. No other enemy can wipe an entire fireteam with such a trivial thing as a shield throw. The Wizard and Hunter hive lightbearers have never, ever wiped my entire fireteam all at once. Not to mention the Titan lightbearer gets his super every 30 seconds. Is it even possible for Bungie to have common sense? Does the Traveller prefer Hive, giving them their supers so often? What can we do when he gets his super except hide? So much fun. Not!

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                    • Don't even get me started on the room before the boss. Who could possibly think it's fun for the entire Fire team to crowd around the entrance hallway and slowly chip away at everything with Wishender for 10+ minutes? You'll either die from getting too greedy or not paying attention to your health due to boredom.

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                      • The only 'hard' bit is when the 2 stupid savathuns appear.. its then super obnoxious

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                        1 Reply
                        • This Gm would be much better if savathune was tuned down a bit.

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                          3 Replies
                          • The [i]problem[/i] is the [b]Brig[/b] with more HP than some [b]Raid Bosses[/b], in addition to the [b]Savathun Projections[/b], ie, [i]more[/i] [b]Raid Bosses[/b], only DPS-able with a [i]Spear[/i] that also happens to drain your [i]Super[/i]. That said, [i][b]Psi-Ops Cosmodrome[/b][/i] is far from the worst Strike this season. That title goes to [i][b]Psi-Ops Moon[/b][/i], followed by [i][b]Lake of Shadows[/b][/i].

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                            4 Replies
                            • Yeah, 1/2 don’t really hold up well Some work as they’re basically strikes. Others not so much. PsiOps are by far the worst offenders.

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                            • They're not even hard lol, annoying, sure. Hard, not really.

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                            • It’s a challenge. Wish Ender my dude. It slaps. Get you one of those invisible hunters on your team and boom….you’re in business.

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                              3 Replies
                              • Add to that, when you finally make it to the final boss with a working strategy and 15 revives only for the game to kick you out because of a connection bug. Again, great work Bungie

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                                2 Replies
                                • I don’t like the pacing, too sweaty. Try master in the beginning of the season when they reset the power level. Will blow your mind lol

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