As long as you face teams of Arc Titans spamming abilities, no one else has a chance.
Which just proves how much of a nerf they need.
Wait, you don't get points? 🤔
Every class has meta kits. Hunters have RDM, Warlocks have Stasis.
Meanwhile warlocks getting steamrolled by either 6 hunter sweats playing like their lives depend on it or 6 titans crutching Redrix's sitting behind their barricades Good times
gaurdian games overall is utterly pointless, sane everything
I sincerely hope Bungie sees how these games of titans vs whoever are blowouts and takes the data for use later on a Titan nerf
Been playing like crazy as all 3 classes and while yes arc titans are too strong so is Tommy’s matchbook and frankly both need to be nerfed
Titan don't need nerf, an not Titan fan as they lacking benefit anyway. They have to take 2 or 3 shot before Bolt charge damage. That enough to avoided take cover. Just people not using there skills, allow then get hit and effect other player. At the minute Hunter are being little Toxic advantage on Hip Fire as bungie is watching, cause if it carry on they will nerf it permanently or change script. Major TEA BAG Crutches avoided getting hit that coming from all characters.
arc titans arent the problem, its invis rdm hunters with tommys shooting you from across the map
hunter player lmao
All ive seen is hunters, literally played teams of 6.
Hunter player crying after they can't use smoke spam yawn...
we had void overshield barrier sitter titans, we have rift sitter warlocks, we returned to barrier sitter 1 shot arc titans LOL while hunters are still the jumpy bois.
I played several games against Titans and my team won both times with no problem played against a hunter team that destroyed us but it was skill and not abilities. Played against another hunter team and we won at the last minute .
Just played a match against all titans, and those who did use the aspect didn't accomplish much. It's not hard to counter, nor is it completely broken for them to use.
As a titan, myself, I'm getting steamrolled by teams of hunters. I've had to report several players for lag manipulation and griefing. It's a terrible experience, so far. Supers don't register hitting the opponents. Melees going 180 degrees in the opposite direction. Ridiculously low ttk weapons all over the place making it feel like you're being 1 shot from across the map. Crucible is a complete joke compared to what it was even just 4 years ago.