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3/12/2025 7:07:27 AM

The hunter hate/ poor matching making

I’m getting tired of hunters constantly getting nerfs, meanwhile titans have been broken since d1. Like why would yall nerf the only void melee in our kit its makes no sense. On top on nerfing us constantly im starting to notice (due to me being a returning player) why at a 100 mobility a titan is moving just as fast as me? Y’all dev don’t even try to hide that yall favor titans cause that’s what yall play. Even down to the cosmetics being overall more aesthetically pleasing down to just straight broken abilities SINCE D1!! And the new match making sucks yall are rewarding full stacked teams by feeding them random put together teams.

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  • “ I’m getting tired of hunters constantly getting nerfs, meanwhile titans have been broken since d1.” -this is just objectively a lie in several ways and you know it “Like why would yall nerf the only void melee in our kit” -probably because it had like 5 separate effects as well as guaranteeing a win if it touches the op in a gunfight near enough and is also an aspect allowing them to be more frequent and annoying “Y’all dev don’t even try to hide that yall favor titans” -Yes diamond lance being hard nerfed is bungie favouring titans, is the trials changes to make the gamemode also favouring titans in how it makes bubble a super bungie killed even worse or was that bolt charge nerf favouring titans ands that’s just 3 nerfs this season

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