[quote]Class-based Glaives open up some interesting new buildcrafting opportunities. In the future, we will be keeping a close eye on how these Glaives are performing across all three classes.[b] Our goal is to ensure that they feel most powerful on the class they were originally designed for[/b].[/quote]
[u]Do not change [/u]them to be worse as they are currently.
[b]Only buff them to be stronger on their designated class.[/b]
These exotic glaives have been the most fun & exciting "feature" of this episode.
Each one is unique, and these glaives sorely needed the love that they are getting finally.
For so long they have been unused and hard to build around.
These glaives feel really good (imo) this season,
please do not return them to obscurity just for some "class dynamic" that is already Ho.m.ogenized, by making them weaker than they are right now.
Edited by Ferus Lux: 3/12/2025 1:20:05 AMThey should just create catalysts for each of them that grant an effect based on the class using it. So each class would lean into different subclass keyword effects for each glaive type. As an example: The void one could grant invisibility to allies for Hunters, devour to allies for Warlock and Volatile rounds to allies for Titan.