I’m talking about the masks in Festival of the Lost and class items in Guardian Games. Make them armor ornaments instead. Having to break your build just to participate is bad design. What’s the logic of having to wear specific things to participate in the event?
At least it's not as bad as FotL.
Just don’t play the event and don’t buy anything,then they’ll listen,or they won’t.
you can use the ornament , im running it on artifice armor and getting credit , just cant use it on exotic class pieces
The whole idea of event specific armor is for you to wear it in the event. It’s an event, put your feet up, kick back and relax and enjoy playing the game. You don’t have to be crazy all out 100% build every single day of the week. Take some time to just use whatever you want and play and enjoy your time playing. We get the privilege of getting event specific armor every single time. And you keep the armor after the event is over.
breaking your build is the whole point as many people have said bungie hate fun and love making us do an obnoxious amount of grinding for stuff that 90% of the time isn't better
I say this every time when it comes to Iron Banner, but I get shouted down for it. All of these "wear this!" crap should be restricted to Ghosts or Emblems only.
All they need to do, for guardian games at least, is make the class items artifice armor. For other events like solstice and iron banner, yeah this just doesn't really work. same with festival masks. And god forbid your exotic for your build is a helmet, then the festival masks REALLY kill you.
This wasn’t an issue until exotic class items. No issue for a TC titan. Works just fine.
What are you even talking about ? The only thing you need to wear is the class item
What do you even need a "build" for?