Smoke bombs were a check and balance system. Playing today...Titans and Warlocks are flying around and zooming with little to nothing keeping them at bay. Titans can slam or strike to which they take most of your health disorienting you for a quick mop up. Warlocks can freeze you from 15 - 20 meters with a melee where you can't move. Any time Hunters get anything not even good...just decent you cater to all the whiners who have abilities that are way stronger. If I can't slow someone with a smoke but they can disorient or freeze me...c'mon.
Use stasis son.
There'll be something completely different people will demand gets nerfed in a week or two; don't take it so personally.
Ok but you have strand grapple? I think you’re thinking to much about crutching the ability, rather than understating what that ability is suppose to do and why it was made the way it is. Now yes I am a Titan main, however I don’t like seeing things get nerfed on either classes, along with weapons. To me, if something is over powered, let it be overpowered. It was made to be that way. Smoke bombs are really powerful and very effective if you know how to use it extremely good. But what about your hunter grapple and then back flip dive to the ground to suspend? That’s an insane ability on the strand hunter class, and a lot of hunters use it extremely well, to the point where you can’t even complain about it. Warlocks got the frozen rift, again many warlocks use it really good, and yes it is strong because it stops you from playing. There’s nothing wrong with that, that’s what it’s design to do. Can’t complain about it. Titans we got barricades and shoulder charges, again extremely effective if you can use it well. I don’t see the point in complaining about any ability in the game when the whole idea of PVP is adapt, overcome and conquer? I’m not a good PvP player but I’ve played for years to know and understand why I suck in PvP and what I need to work on to get better. I’m against all things getting nerfed. Again if something is powerful then let it be powerful. Stop complaining about something a demanding a nerf when you should be using that time how to play against it. The only time an ability, super or weapon should be nerfed is when it performs the way developers did not intend for it to perform like that. Point blank simple. I would argue that demanding nerfs because you can’t play against it and can’t stay composed on a game online, ultimately ruins the game for everybody else. Just because YOU are having problems fighting against it, doesn’t mean everyone else is. Let things be powerful if it was developed to be that way when it first came out.
Come on dude! You know they where broken. That's why you used them so much. You had your fun now move on.
Edited by ZayOsiris Gaming: 3/11/2025 11:42:04 PMI never understood why smoke bombs did so much to begin with. It was basically a mini dusk field grenade — that weakened, fully blinded, slowed, dealt damage over time, reduced jump height, and reduced weapon performance. Plus it was on an extreme high cooldown, that could also be combo’d into a grenade toss. Tell me how that didn’t sound insane — when all a player needed to do was press two buttons at best?
Nope. They deserved the nerf they got.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Edited by Seiryoku: 3/11/2025 11:24:01 PMThe mobility class has the worst movement.
It was a good one hope invis is next so invis players actually show up on radar when they’re crouching
They nerfed Khepris Horn, what does that tell you
Thay warlock melee is -blam!-
I made you mad enough to stat check :) - old
Lmao. Try playing solar warlock then whine about nerfs. Everything that made them good has taken a hit multiple times