Does Bungie ever do anything about the 50KD cheaters in trials?
No? Didn't think so.
they are insanely really really good at the game and you got jealous of their kd therefore you called them cheaters
As long as they're purchasing silver they're safe
played with a 987.0 KD a few weeks ago. bungie won't do -blam!-
LMFAO.....even seeing something as stupid as the KD's you can see on trials reports and still these toxic apologists will tell you to git gud.
Maybe they're just really good.
They don’t care. Maybe, and that’s the Colossal Titan of maybes, MAYBE they cared in Halo. In Destiny? They NEVER cared.
Bungie: We need the numbers! Doesn’t matter the player.
Because the game is basically dead.