I just bought a new PC to switch from playstation. I have cross save enabled. My main account with my characters is playstation. I used to play on my brothers pc sometimes so his steam account is linked right now. I just bought a new pc and created my own steam account but I bought silver a few days ago on my PS account and can't deactivate his steam account for 90 days? And then I have to wait another 90 days after to reactivate cross save after I link my steam account? I just want to play Destiny 2 on my new PC and if what I read is true I have to wait half a year just to be able to play on a PC? Please tell me there is something I can do
Hi there. The 90-day cooldowns for Silver purchases and disabling Cross Save are mandatory. They will not be shortened or removed. If you want to switch Steam accounts, then unfortunately you would have to wait out both cooldowns. https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049498031-Destiny-2-Cross-Save-Guide