First TLW, now Tommy's. Lodestar had "too much aim assist" and was disabled for weeks. RDM is making pvp (more) miserable. Disable it [b]ASAP[/b]
Since I’m in Vegas, let me get this straight. Kills refund dodges, increases mobility and hipfire, and lets you stow 3 dodges?
Edited by Guardian,Archon Of Light: 3/11/2025 11:39:14 PMJust disable all weapons, armor and abilities We will have emote contests in PvP Then people would be asking for emotes to be nerfed/disabled I have gave up the war, just kicking back and watching it all burn down
Nerf, the Titans, because they all put nursed the hunters into the ground. There’s not an actual good build out there right now for the hunter.
It’d be hilarious to see 6 invis PUCCIES with rdm in guardian game PvP lmao Also six titan behind endless shields tbf lol
Have yet to come across them. Titans overpowered bolt charge on the other hand…
Imagine being mad for dying to a Primary at 20 meters in a 40 meter meta.
Lol I really can't believe people still play bungie pvp. Nintendo has better connections than these clowns.
ps5/controller and NOTHING else: i used this combo but couldnt see any advantage sorry
There are fine ppl need to stop complaining some ppl love to see the world burn. Wait untill ppl find out about now’s hahahahah love it
RDM was nerfed/disabled right after its initial introduction, wasn't it? How has it made its way back and is it as op as in its heydays? The Telesto of exotic armour? 😉👍😂
Edited by Kiro - 13: 3/11/2025 7:38:03 AMIts an exotic that has the benefit of multiple exotics rolled into one. Three charges of dodge is more then "exotic" enough & should be all Radiant Dance Machines provides. Also what happens when [i][b]Armor 3.0[/b][/i] comes out with the Tex Mechanica set bonus? The one that provides at hip weapon enhancements Bungie spoiled a few months back. Just more problems, which is why the armor(RDM) should be dealt with and not the weapons.
Honestly I don't even use it for the hip fire buff. They can just remove it.