❖ Update 8.2.5
❖ All Bungie Services - Destiny 2 and 1, Destiny API, Destiny App, Bungie Site, Bungie Store
❖ March 1[b]1[/b]
❖ Background maintenance start: 2:00 AM PDT (-7 UTC)
❖ Downtime begins: 2:45 AM
❖ Downtime ends: 10 AM
❖ Background maintenance ends: 12 PM
More info: https://help.bungie.net/hc/articles/360049199271
Wtf? Give us days ahead of time when you do maintenance!
BUNGIE AND DESTINY 2 MAINTENANCE ❖ Update 8.2.5 ❖ All Bungie Services - Destiny 2 and 1, Destiny API, Destiny App, Bungie Site, Bungie Store Maintenance has begun. REMAINING TIMELINE ❖ Downtime begins: 2:45 AM PDT (-7 UTC) ❖ Downtime ends: ~10 AM ❖ Background maintenance ends: ~12 PM More info: https://help.bungie.net/hc/articles/360049199271